.one of my buyer..take first take 2 magazines from me and these magazines are send by me but then it was not reach to destination due to unknown cause..after this deal he take again 2 more magazines..while his first magazines are on the way..then he inform me that still those magazines not reach to his home..after that he also get refund for that 2 magazines ..but in this gap of time ( before refund) i send again 4 magazines..1 from first deal ( because 1 if them is not in my stock) and 2 from 2nd deal...and 1 more new magazine just from me as compensation to him ..i was also know that may be i will be not recieve mney because also refund also on the way..so i send again 4 magazines together with expencive courier service..(first deal was with post office) after that i also get his one positive ,,,feedback...but after that i send him many message abt the matter ..just want to know that magazines recive or not
but when i get his feedback for 1 magazine which was from 1st deal ( he get refund for this) .i sure that magazines reachg to him...and then as soon as i find the magazine which still not reach to his home ..i also send that 1 magazine ..so now 4 +1 = 5 magazines reach to him and he also get refund of 2 of them...i lost so much money in these deals but i do bnecause i dont wnat to loose trust...but yesterday he send me ,,,a negative feedback.....its so much ..now suggest me what can i do ..? just i want to know ....