Due to all these problems I have stopped listing at ebay until they change for something good. Its a simple solution for me but those who are seriously selling in ebay India things have become so painful for them. I know some honest and buyer friendly sellers. But they are also suffering heavily due to the increased fees, bad policies and ......
It seems ebay runs thru a dictatorial policy but ultimately democracy will win because if the members are not happy then the income of ebay will surely drop though at the moment it may seem rising due to the to the numerous new buyers and sellers starting to operate with high hopes. God knows whether will adopt some democratic policy regarding its members opinions, whether it will be this year or after 5 years when we will be discussing policies on the boards of some other auction site.
Lastly I do not understand this recent change of withdrawal of the Mutual FB removal policy. Now the sellers cant give any non-positive FB. So the seller can not threaten a buyer with a negative FB. So the only reason for which the buyer may be tempted to withdraw the FB must be genuine. So if a buyer have left a non-positive feedback and later wants to withdraw that after the seller has satisfied the buyer then why should not they get that chance of a mutual settlement. Why on earth ebay wants to do that themselves. Are they having surplus staff who do not have any specific job and need to be assigned to withdraw such feedbacks.
Do not find any logic.
Anyway, there is no use writting about problems.
Best Regards

Best Regards