Hi all Reputed Co-sellers,
BEAWARE!!! There is a big loop hole in the new Feedback System. A buyer will buy an item, will
not pay for it and then leave a
Negative Feedback complaining anything comes to the buyer's mind. You will remain helpless, nobody will help you from eBay Team.
Before introducing the new system
we all were assured that unfair feedbacks will be manually removed by eBay. But now if you contact them you will receive a lengthy copy-paste reply with all Policies and Criterea of eBay (which you are aware of and it is nothing to do with your current issue). Now there is no more mutual feedback withdrawal tools too.
So, if you are a
PowerSeller and you receive 2-3 such unfair negative feedbacks then your all hard earned reputation which you have maintained since so many years will leave you no where and you will be
no more a PowerSeller. You will be just asked to be happy and keep on eBaying with less than 98% rating.