Hi everyone,
On eBay Discussion Boards one often comes across sellers highlighting buyer high-handedness and their own helpless in such situations. Most also say eBay is buyer-biased and not doing enough to tackle this growing menace.
Being a new seller, I do not have personal experience to justify posting my opinion on some such buyers’ dictatorial style. Nevertheless, I do wish to share my views in community interest.
Some buyers with nefarious motive will constantly threaten sellers to succumb to their unjustified demands. While some would surely fail to take advantage thanks to the ‘no-nonsense’ policy practiced by experienced and/ or Power sellers, others may get away with it and this further emboldens them to look for their next victim.
eBay would possess accurate statistics to evaluate if the overall percentage of unscrupulous buyers is high enough to warrant any action at all. However, in a bid to provide a fair playground to its users and guard its own reputation it should do some serious brainstorming to come up with a solution fair to buyers and sellers alike. Of late, a lot of positive changes (aware eBayers know) are being introduced by eBay India and there is no reason to not expect a solution on this count too, albeit with some delay.
While waiting for relief to come from eBay, all sellers (or at least those who have suffered) could join hands to set up some mechanism (subject to eBay approval) to record at one place the IDs of defaulting buyers so that any seller can first check their bidders’ ID on this ‘watchlist’. The idea is that all sellers (beginners and seniors) always cancel bids (howsoever high) placed by such (suspect) buyers. This would certainly deter unscrupulous buyers who try to take advantage by deceitful means or even get a kick out of cheating others. If I understand correctly, sellers can cancel any bid if they suspect eventual fraud. So the need is for sellers to be bold, more vigilant and always consult such a watchlist (if it takes root) before their listing ends. If and when such initiative gains momentum, it will eventually lead to a healthier playground for all.
Another effective solution already in place that sellers can elect to use regularly is to restrict sellers with 2 Unpaid Item Strikes. The feature is already available while listing. See ‘Buyer Requirements’ under ‘Instructions and Policies’ in Turbo Lister. It may be that sellers fear that this option may reduce overall bidding on their listings, but one should weigh the overall benefit to themselves and to the community in the long run. I have myself used this feature as standard practice and found bidding to be low or even altogether absent. Presently, I apply this restriction only in 50% of my listings. Trial and error is at least better than becoming a victim and complaining (without recourse?).
If sellers feel motivated and are willing to invest some time to implement the stated suggestions, they would not only be helping themselves but also contributing to making eBay a safer and more enjoyable platform to buy and sell.
Let us all contribute to make selling more enjoyable! Godbless!!