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Is baazee palanning for any more change in coming month.

Community Member
X-( From last 3 or 4 months you are always mking change on the site on monthly basis. This time you reduced the Titlr length to 55 charcter. I dont know how it will be beneficial but all the sellers using bulkupload have to change the sheets once again as each and every person make a time in maximum lenght to explain the product . We dont have any problem in 55 character but why it was done on the pervious month only modifiying heets again and again is now the main job of the seller inspite of listing new product. For others i dont know but from last 2 month more than 80 new products are with me for which i am still not getting any time to create a listing I am just creating CVS sheets having good lenght due to relist function disabled. I feel that capital is moved from Delhi to tuglakabad now its time to shift it again to Delhi. Well its all depand upon you after all its your site (No space forsuggestions from sellers and buyer) what you want you will do only that. But as i feel jsut make a strategy and implement it once.
Small Seller
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