Introduce Item Specifics Asap

E Bay uses has a listing add on called item specifics - where some features of the product have to be complusorily entered by the seller and products are easier to search and become comparable.

We have made this demand more than a year back but than the Camera and Optics category team (Mr.Vidmay Naini and Rahul Sethi) said that the Indian market is not ready for such a feature and category specific sells forms will be too much of a load on the baazee servers.

When item specifics are available, there will be no case of misleading buyers and the overzealous people at Community Watch will not have to close down legetimate listing of Superseller (having 100% positive feedback)on frilivous complaints by envious competitors.

Case in Point, our listing was closed down:

It is clearly mentioned in the listing that the Sensor Resolution (3.2MP) and the Image Resolution 6.6 MP), so hat there is no confusion in the minds of buyers.

However there are overzealous (we believe, vindictive would be a better term) people in Community Watch, who choose to close this listing 7 minutes before closing time causing loss of business worth Rs.30,000/- and and EL charges of Rs.400/- (approx).
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