Hello Sapana and ebay community members.
One Paisa Auctions with free S&H is one of the hottest places where buyers can get items for a very cheap price with free S&H.I used to sell in this promotion,but pulled out later on because the promotion doesnt seem to click.
ebay had introduced this promotion once with a big bang.During that time,categories for the items were available so that it would be convenient for the buyers.
Once ebay stopped promoting through web banners across various websites like yahoo,one paisa auction has become dull once more.
Most of the items which are sold in this promotion currently are jewellery items.Other items are also available,but the buyer has to go and click the next pages to find a product which the buyer likes.If one thinks from the buyers point of view,they would get really tired out cheking out each page for their preferred item.
Could ebay team introduce categories for one paisa auction with free S&H promotion,so that buyers would find it convenient? At least the main category can be provided so that there wont be any inconvenience.