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Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge

Community Member
Hi Rohit !
You suggested us to mention some text in Item description like following regarding the above:
"Outstation Buyers are requested to select National Shipping Charge and not to use Local Shipping Charge".

All the buyers(I mean to say Outstation Buyers) are very gentle, they will read this carefully and will use only "National Shipping Charge", inspite of having facility(allowed by ebay) to choose "Local Shipping" charges and will make the payment accordingly.

Ebay customer support(Namrata) replied regarding my above problem as follows:
With regards to the shipping charges we wish to inform you that the buyer has the ability to select the shipping charges manually while purchasing the item hence we request you to get in touch with the buyer regarding the same.

eBay is an exciting electronic marketplace where you can buy and sell and where sellers and buyers can "meet" on the web. However, eBay does not ultimately participate in the transaction between buyer and seller.

The transaction itself and the details of it including method of payment and postage are totally negotiable between you and the buyer.

We encourage you to maintain an open, professional dialogue and do whatever you can to resolve the issue.

Whilst email is generally the easiest way to communicate with other eBay members, in situations like this you may wish to request the member's contact information and give him or her a phone call. eBay encourages open and honest communication, and we believe that most trading issues
can be resolved with a simple conversation.

That means outstation buyers can select Local Shipping Charges and can paid the money thru PaisaPay. Now it is sellers headache to realize balance money from the buyer by making Phone Calls, or negotiating with Buyers or by e-mailing.
What a nice irresponsible system adopted by ebay.

Now one day will come when ebay will allow buyers to pay item price as per their choice for fixed buy.

My suggestion to all sellers "Mention only one shipping charge to all buyers(National or Local) and let the buyers to face the problem and awaken ebay".

Are yaar problem to suno.

Are you all converted to 'American' overnite from 'Indian'? Did you mentioned anywhere this type of changes of Policy earlier?

Its ridiculas no one is ready to understand our problem. No one is reachable easily.

Will you please tell us how would we reply you suggestion?

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Re: Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge
Community Member
Hi skyshopindia,

We have heard this issue mentioned by many sellers already. Let me assure you that we absolutely understand your problem. We have forwarded your concerns to the relevant department. We shall get back to you and all our sellers once we have further updates.

Thanks and regards,
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
Message 2 of 6
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Re: Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge

Community Member
Dear Rohit,

At last you have understand our problem. Thnx for that. Hope the problem will be rectified soon.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge

Community Member
This problem of national & local shipping charge can overcome if the city's name in the shipping address is linked to the shipping charge.

Eg: If the shipping address and the seller are both in Mumbai, the system should automatically bring up the Local shipping charge window. If the shipping address is Calcutta, the National shipping charge window pop up. This is done on all international websites. I don't see why EbayIn cannot do it.
Message 4 of 6
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Re: Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge

I think, the best solution to this problem is that u offer only single shipping chargi.e national express,when ever a local buyer buys something,compensate him in form of small gifts...thats what i m doing nw & i m satisfied with it.thanks
amit uniyal
Message 5 of 6
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Re: Hi Rohit did you know so many sellers facing prob with Shipping Charge


U seem to be forwarding so many issues to different relevant departments nowadays that it seems to be the only job you are doing. Though you seem to be doing it effectively. ๐Ÿ˜›

Why not let the departments answer these queries directly on the Forum or is it some vague policy of ebay not to allow their staff access to the forum?

just feel that you guys are buying time everytime to avoid decent & honest replies

bshankar>ebay cannot do it themselves. They need Indian Brains to do it and they are so egoistic that they dont want to use the best brains in th world. That's the reason why today ebay is uses less technology than Baazee.
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