mail sent to ebay team member by one of the group member:
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Siva Kumar wrote:
Dear Ms. Seema,
I am also a member of the group named M.A.S.E.S - Movement Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexism which is against any kind of discrimination based on gender. We don't disturb or demotivate your work in any way, all we want is, you to understand that your advertisement in the homepage is gender biased. It states that "smart phones, tablets, accessories and much more" categorized under men, and "Lifestyle, Fashion, Jewellery and much more" is categorized under women which seems to be normal.
But it contradicts, techie gadgets and beauty enhancing products are used by both men and women. They are common for all. But here the ad says smartphones, tablets etc for men which are used by women too. And the life style, fashion, Jewellery products for women only. Men too use fashion, life style and jewels made for them. But those are missing in the photo. This can only be considered as gender biased. It leads to underestimating the women that they will only buy the things which would make them to appear rich, beautiful and fashion. Rather you could have titled as 'Techie Gadgets' and 'Life style Products' which explains everything in a simple way.
"For her - Fair & Lovely" and "For him - Emami Fair And Handsome" can be considered as gender differentiation.
"For her - Fair & Lovely" and "For him - blackberry or Apple Tablet" can be considered as only Gender discrimination.
Please understand what we feel.
Thanks & Regards