Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Community Member
Hi All,

I am getting many orders with fake address and phone numbers. I think some persons are doing this intentionally.

I request eBay team to safe guard all the sellers from these fake ids.

I also request other sellers to post the same if you are facing the same issues.

Also, I reported the 3rd id to eBay and hence they haven't taken any action.

1. Item No: 270258480287, Buyer ID: ecom_n


nanda jain
shirpur, MH 425405

2. Item No: 280249090913, Buyer ID: amit_jain15


amit jain
-, -
-, - -

3. Item No: 270257208352, Buyer ID: mpj_info1


man jos
hhjkh jh jkh kh jkh
jhjk jkhjkhjkh kjhjkh
gfggfg, MH 411003
jhjk jkhjkhjkh kjhjkh ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 1 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Community Member
I had a couple of issues like this. How can I contact the second highest bidder if the highest bidder does not respond or make any payment.
Message 21 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Community Member
I SOLD 3 PHONE BUT ALL BUYER DIDNT RESPOND All the money i spend on promoting the item will go waste as even i dont know what have to do
Message 22 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Community Member
suggest all sellers block the fake buyers ,when we can have choice to black the new buyer because they make member evry day listed here to save their hard earned money.
Message 23 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Dear snrama,

You are right, of course there may be some buyers not responding after purchase being made... those are mainly first time buyers or newly registered..etc. But I doubt these fake address buyers are not really buyers, they must be very familiar with E-bay and 99% sellers or business rivals or their nominees on fake address... genuine buyers or first time ebay users they won't bother about feeding a -ve rating. If it's clear that someone's intention is give -ve feed back.. of course that could be a seller or his nominee... why don't you think in this way.. Don't blame the buyers.. As a great seller you know that all time 'less 10' feed back buyers are your major customers than repeated / or experienced buyers. Am I correct?.

As only a 'buyer' on ebay for a while I just shared my concern with you only...don't mean it as a blame for reputed seller...

:-D Regards,
Message 24 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

My sympathies with the sellers. This kind of fraud buyers are nothing less than spammers! It is because of this i never buy auction items. eBay should really look into this.

But there is one other aspect to this also - MANIPULATIVE SELLERS! There was this one time that i was interested in a cellphone auction but seller has not posted any warranty info. When i came across the item, no one had bet on it and it was about to end in less than a day. As soon as i posted a question to the seller abt warranty info, the item started getting bids on it, thus driving up the price. I don't think it was a coincidence. On top of that, the seller told me he gave a 14 day replacement warranty on a 22000 rupee cellphone!! There is no doubt in my mind that many of these dummy fraud buyers are created by unethical manipulative sellers who can then also use it against other sellers who are their competition.

@dakshink: Totally agree with you! Giving buyer +ve feedback only if buyer gives +ve feedback is a kind of bullying by sellers. My feedback is currently +4, whereas it should be +7 since i have always promptly paid for an item and deal has not gone thru because of problem at seller's end. My money was blocked during this time whether the deal went thru or not and i have nothing to show for it! I am sure there are many others like me! eBay should look into this too.

All these things will potentially lead to dissatisfaction among ebay customers (both buyers and sellers) and make them shy away from transacting on eBay. -- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
-- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
Message 25 of 26
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Fraud Buyers are getting more and more. Please help me out

Community Member
hi i raise the bids twice time. but e-bay is doing already entered more bid , ur bids is out of bids, so re enter the bids. actually what they are doing is programmaly they raising new bids and time they no changes. i have proof of print screen , but i not able to post here.

Link is this.

if need any one give me mail id i ll send to u.
Message 26 of 26
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