Feedback cum Suggestion to Ebay Team India-All mems pls view & comments

Community Member
Dear Ebay India Supporting Team

Thnx to you all for nice Promotional Gift.
Here below my comments/suggestions/queries/grievances etc. on EBay India

Till November 2004 (Date from migration of Baazee to eBay had been started) was very goods from almost every point of view.
As per my analysis business performance was at top pick till that date. Then it decreases gradually and now it become almost ZERO on comparable to November-04 business.

EBay Administrations are the best person to judge this one.

There are many positive aspects of over which are as follows:
1. From the programming point of view eBay consists of very good modules than Baazee.
2. Look is smarter than Baazee
3. EBay Site if Faster than Baazee
4. So many facilities(like Turbo Lister, Bulk email, Auto Email, Sub Title, along with management tools) which are very useful in case of on-line business, are available in eBay

Inspite of those, the negative aspects which affect the business badly are as follows:

1. Huge increase in fees in all areas (sometime it is more than 400%) which sellers are unable to afford to promote their sales.

2. Lengthy process in both selling and buying – To complete a sale both sellers and buyers needs to be on-line. No information is available off line like Baazee. Even EBay charges for basic needs e.g. offline sales information.
I did not understand the reason for paying Selling Manager, EBay Shop subscription fees. Selling manager is only to download the buyer shipping address that is also excluding email address and phone no which are must for shipping. We are unable to maintain our sales register from off-line available data.

3. Invoicing method – there were 60 days credit period in Baazee and it is in advance in eBay. It is like pay now and gets refund later. Even eBay charge for promotional and free trial also. Although eBay will refund but from where seller will arrange to pay now?

4. There is no sign of hike in business – How seller will rely on investment and from where they will realize their investment. For example - there are approx 100 (!!!!) items in home page feature listing but in one of my listing with Home page Feature there are only 30 visits in 6 days and ZERO Order. Same scenario for other sellers also. Now how a seller will take risk to invest further for Home page listing and others to increase his/her sales? In Baazee 16 items were displaying at a time with picture view where as in eBay only 8 items that is also with some short title text and fees is just triple. Fulfillment percentage is below 30 and invoice amount is huge. From where seller will pay this dummy fees?

5. No direct telephone support or email support for any specific issue for a seller. “Contact Us” link is useless and helpless. The solutions provided by supporting persons never resolve any issues. Replies are either prototype or not to the point. Which simply irritate/harass the members. This is the primary reason for the members to dissatisfy with EBay. There are lot lot of complain regarding this issue.

If eBay start self feedback system from members, I’m sure feedback score will be below ZERO%. My suggestion please starts this system ASAP and evaluates yourself first.
In those golden days I thought myself “BAAZEEGOR” and my colleagues also taunting me as “BAAZEEGOR” and now they are telling me retired “BAAZEEGOR”.

6. “Feedback to EBay Team” in Community Forum is just “Good for Nothing”. Frustrated members wrote their grievances here with no reply most of the cases. This fact makes us adamant and sometimes our write-up also cross the gentlemanship.
7. Un changeable Feedback – Feedback is most sensitive part in eBay but it is rigid once left could not be changed. There is no response part for any feedback like Baazee. If member wants to make some remarks regarding feedback received there are no facility in eBay.

I will be felt myself lucky enough if eBay India give some importance on my following suggestions (in brief) as I want to see Baazee cum eBay India as DON of On-line Buying/Selling site forever.

0. Take the initiative to increase site visitors. Don’t analyze on the basis of live listing. For your information more than 50% of live listings are duplicate.

1. Direct telephone/email support like Baazee for any specific issue for a member.

2. Decrease in EL’s Fees – not by means of promotional offer as it confuse.

3. Picture view (min 16 items at a time) of Home Page feature items.

4. Basic download data must includes buyers email address, delivery address, item no, item title, price, payment information like Baazee and it must be available free of cost. don't charge on the basic needs of a seller.

5. In invoice there must be minimum 30 days credit so that sellers can avoid paying fees for unpaid items.

6. Feedback review process must be implemented.

New policies in EBay India never regain the Glamour of Baazee.Com. For the survival of both seller as well as EBay India the policies must be rewritten and should be community friendly. Most of the sellers whom I know personally, has been shifted most part of their on-line business from eBay to other on-line selling site. As still on-line selling is not my profession, its my hobby so I’ll wait till last as I love Baazee cum eBay.


Achintya Ghosh
Id: skyshopindia
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Feedback cum Suggestion to Ebay Team India-All mems pls view & comments

Community Member
See above
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Feedback cum Suggestion to Ebay Team India-All mems pls view & comments
Community Member
Hello skyshopindia,

I am posting a message from John, from the Category Management Team. John is on holiday currently, but he has mailed me his responses to your post.


Greetings Skyshopindia - Myself and the entire team appreciate your posting.

Many of your suggestions call out opportunities that we aware of and working on. I'll walk through the points as best I can, and call out what we see and how we're trying to help.

Before I start...I do want to firmly disagree with your concerns that the eBay team does not care or respond to "Feedback to eBay India Team". Your point couldn't be further from the truth. You just need to look at the number of posts in this board that have eBay responses. I am sure you will agree that it is difficult, and not always possible, to respond to each and every one of the posts, but I can assure you that - behind the scenes - we all pay tremendous attention to the valid issues that are well articulated by the community. As you must be aware, we recently hosted an Open House with Gautam, and eBay staff are on the boards daily, reading and responding to posts. We celebrate the positive comments (such as your praise of eBay platform strengths) and we don't sleep well till we tackle the tough issues (such as billing concerns which have been raised in past weeks.) Believe me - we really do care.

Now, I'll try to summarize and address your concerns as best I can (though forgive any of my late-night typos)..

Increase site visitors - I agree, this IS our job as eBay. Today we are investing SIGNIFICANTLY more in marketing to drive web traffic to your listings than baazee has in past years. Just like the platform strengths you called out, this is another eBay core competency where we can leverage learnings from eBay marketing teams around the world. We are deploying some of the most advanced technology, know-how, and a sizable budget - to find you more buyers.

Phone support for topsellers - I agree, this would be a fantastic help to topsellers. We're trying to understand how we can make this work in a way that would allow us to keep our fees low.

Decrease in EL fees - We're aware that some of these fees are more expensive than before. However I'll note that all fees on are significantly less expensive than global norms.. We do know, that when used correctly, upgrades can have a massive impact on seller performance. Furthermore, we see that adoption is increasing and sellers are finding the upgrades to be valuable demand drivers for them.

Picture view on HP - Another interesting suggestion - one which we've discussed quite a bit here in the office. At this point, we have decided NOT to do this, for a number of reasons, including keeping the home page fast loading and maximizing the browse space on the home page for buyer navigation.

Invoice and UPI timing - Our aim is to tackle the UPI issue right away, rather than adjust billing cycles, which - to be frank - need to be in-sync with eBay global standards. If you have ideas on how to reduce UPI without risking turning away legitimate buyers, we'd love to hear them.

Feedback review - The feedback system is one of the cornerstones of Baazee's and eBay's community success. It is in no means perfect. eBay's best minds have been working very closely with the community to identify some pretty exciting policy and product enhancements in the future.

Once again, thank you for your feedback,



Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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