the past month I had a conflict with a seller from India and paypisa,
you see I bought a golden ring from a seller with more than 98% repetition at the time. I ask the seller to ship the ring to Address X and to ship the certification to address X1 ( note X and X1 are different addresses) while i received the certification in address X1 I never received the product in the other address , and when i ask the seller that the item hasn't arrived he/she always saying wait 2 more days is in the way!! anyway after a time i open a claim with paypisa ( which I will never use again as they are scam as well) I lost the claim because the seller was able to prove that the pot arrived in the address X1, well if you are clever enough you will see the scam, which I didn't realised at first since I when I received the certification of the product ( without the product of course) was in a track and trace envelope but I didnt bother to search more. making the long story short, I lost he claim because I got the envelope (certification) but without getting my item i order), however the people in payisa they never bother to check that the addres of the deliver of the product was even in a different country ! and of course no product ever was delved there!
well stupid me! I try to save money and i lost money! so i guess i shouldn't never trust ebay india and paypisa.
Additional to make the story more funny ! the seller which sold the item 270805702342 (jewels.hub) is not any more with ebay coz is proven to be a fraud.