FRAUD by Ebay staff in jointly with seller

Community Member
We have raised a claim with Ebay for refund of our amount as the seller was not able to deliver the product initially and could not replace the defective product supplied by him The seller is VARDHMAIN.JAIN
Details are given hereunder . We were forced by Ebay staff Mr. Ashish Gupta and mr. Ali to pay rs.2200/- directly to the sellers account posing it as custom duty for which no bill was providec to us either by Ebay or the seller. We forcibly paid the amount as the staff of EBAY --Mr. Ashish and mr. Ali said that my payment would be forfeited.
Now thsi amount opf rs.2200/- is not being refunded to us either by the seller or by Ebay.
Its 100% clear that the staff is palying fraud with Hundreds of customers and making lacs of Rupees jointly witheir fraud seller and sharing the amount therafter . Many Email and many calls to Mr. Ali and mr. Ashish failed with no concrete answer. They are not even giving a written reply. Nor they are provided Contact nos and Email of senoir officers so that the matter can br sorted out.
Simply the buyers are fooled with their many by forcing them to pay directly to the sellers account .This money would be pocketed and shared by this staff and the seller and later on a new ID of the seller is opened . Following Emilas can give the entire details and Ebay staff who would keep giving FALSE hope until you forget the amount . BUT Imagine he amount they are making .

Re: FRORC003 eGuarantee Claim # < 54860 > - ALI (KMM55898760V30438L0KM)
From: eBay Customer Support
Sent: 29-Sep-2011 18:37
Dear Sudhanshu / vardhman.jain Team,

We request you to kindly update us with the scan copy of the cheque
deposited to the account of Mr. Naresh taneja of Rs.2200 as promised by
you to eBay and the buyer .

We have tried contacting you on your moblie no 9892781225 but it is
constantly ringing on 23/09/2011 at 16:35, on 26/09/2011 at 12.13 and
on 29/09/2011 at 18:26.

Buyer have till date not recieved any updates on his refund of Rs.2200/-
so kindly update the same to us and the buyer, within 72hrs from the
time you receive this e-mail failure to which we will be forced to take
necessary steps for refunding the money to the buyer .

We await your response at the earliest.

Claims Adjuster

Original Message Follows:
Dear Ali,

We are still awaiting payment return confirmation of rs.2200/- from
MAMTA babel / Mr. Sudhanshu inspite of product being returned to them on
FRIDAY . Kindly follow up with them aggressively.

We thank you for all your efforts to resolve the issue. Payment return
confirmation from EBAY was rcvd .

BUT again we request you to follow Mr. Sudhanshu for refund of rs.2200/-
which is still lying pending.
A/c details were given to you/ them already in previous Email.

Best Wishes
Naresh Taneja

-----Original Message-----
From: "eBay India Customer Support - incswebhelp" []
Date: 21/09/2011 09:21 AM
Subject: Re: FRORC003 eGuarantee Claim # < 54860 > - ALI

Note: Original message sent as attachment
[ Attachment 1 Type: message/rfc822 Name: 0riginal_message]
naresh taneja
Message 1 of 5
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FRAUD by Ebay staff in jointly with seller
Community Member

Ashish & Ali are one of the most decent and respected members in ebay. I am sure they will never do anything like this.

The amount which you are talking about must be octroi, which the buyer is supposed to pay.

Neither the seller is responsible nor ebay is responsible for octroi as it is charged by the govt authorities in the buyers place.

Please do not make any baseless allegationโ€‹s on the community.

You can contact the ebay customer support for resolution.

Message 2 of 5
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FRAUD by Ebay staff in jointly with seller

Community Member
If you had been a gullible buyer . You would probably know , how do you suffer at the hand of cheats.
Ebay is having credit card details of the sellers which they take for verification and they can charge it if any fraud is played like this. The amount seems to be small but it ads to lacs when counted for many customers. You can also try befooling 20 customers per month and open a new account next month pocketing rs.50000/- by just sending junk to the buyer
and eating away the Customs charges which have never been paid as no receipts are provided either by Ebay or the seller.
But you need to have first good contacts with Ebay staff like in my case. naresh taneja
naresh taneja
Message 3 of 5
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FRAUD by Ebay staff in jointly with seller

Community Member
Rs 2200 octroi?? that seems waay too much!! ebay should please probe further ..something smells fishy. If ebay staff is involved they must be sacked immediately. Please write your concerns to ebay people in USA also that they know what is happening under ebay brand name in india
Message 4 of 5
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FRAUD by Ebay staff in jointly with seller

I agree with

Ashish & Ali are one of the most decent and respected members in ebay.

They try there best to resolve problems mutually between buyer & seller.

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