Hello To all
I had got a negative feedback from a buyer with false contact information. Buyer Id karpaga. I wrote a mail to ebay CS on this and as expected i got a revert that buyer is very much active and contact on his mail address which I did before getting their email.
I was very sure they will ask me to do so. Buyer Till date have not reported me back. Than I spoke to someone on phone support of trust and safety channel his name was jewel or something.
He had very poor knowelege of the site. When I told him that its there in ebay policy that if the member has false contact information a feedback can be removed. He said there is no such policy.
I requested his to follow the steps so I can show him the same on ebay site he denied and said that he has checked the help pages.
Now thats a great process knowelege that ebay staff only has to refer the help pages from which we can assume the quality of support service they will provide.
I really don't know why the trust and safety phone support is started to make fool of sellers.
More over he was not ready to go to pages I was asking him to.
IF ebay says that buyer is active on emails than I need a copy of reply mail from the buyer what he has sent to ebay on his contact information.
Because the Trust and safety is a one whom I will never trust.