Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution

Hello Kind attention to all sellers on ebay.


Please be caution about few ebay Staff member who do not undertand the importance of negative and neutral feedback and enjoy giving them to seller's.


Recenty we have received a neutral feedback from buyer id *** buyer Name Malini Sharma a ebay staff member at Georgaon office Mumbai working for PR department.


No this is a interesting stuff of ebay that how good and understanding PR officer they have. No wonder what will happen at media crtics of ebay.


We receive a neutral feedback when called up resolving the same. We got a shocking response that I had to give a feedback so I gave it and will change it as not interested in resolving it and hung up rudly after that we called twice and call disconnected by her. This shows that how good the ebay Staff understand the importance of feedback and its impact to seller. We gave all possible solution like reverse pick up ,refund etc. But the buyer was too rigid.


Further we spoke to TNS and got the statistic from Mr Jignesh that in past buyer has left 19 feedback 10 positive 4 neutral and 4 negatives. Which means more than 50% of the transaction given are negative and nutral by the buyer.


This means that on every second purchase the product is not as per her expectation. So it directly reflect that every second product on ebay is substandarad if ebay says the feedback is correct.


This is really insane from ebay staff member leaving so high negative neutral feedback compared to positive. Moreover they do not co-operate to seller in solving them. But the story does not ends when you go to TNS they say resolve it with your buyer.


Now I am asking you fellow sellers if ebay staff is going to act in such manner than what can we say about normal community buyer's. I know every buyer has right to leave feedback for sale.


But when you consider some one working for ebay and playing with feedback system is not accepted. Specially when CS and TNS both recommend to buyer first resolve it with seller mutally.


It was very shocking that a ebay Staff member that too of a PR level does not believes in Mutal resolution of a problem. To refer the feedback left history click on below given link


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Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution

I have had ebay employees not leave feedback in the past but this is really a very sad case.


What's happened to our Country where Mahatma Gandhi preached the virtues of forgiveness, patience and compassion towards our fellowmen, where are those values now ??

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Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution

Hello Raj Electronics


Thank you for support. My concern is ebay staff has forgotten the ebay values on which company has been built.


The worst part is ebay CS also recommends to resolve dispute mutally between buyer and seller. Now this emplyoe is giving equal no of negative and neutral. The ration is 50% positive and 50% Negative. That too a person from a PR team.


When we request her to take refund and close the case she directly said no I will not change it and hung up. Later started avoiding the call. Now can this behaviour be accepted from a PR representative of ebay.


I cannot imagin also how the team would be handling critic issue from media by disconnecting the call. Really the staff quality has detoriated like anything.


Does not meets the standard of fortune 500 company.




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Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution

I am able to perceive that the eBay in an attempt to etain the customer advises teh customer/buyer to file claims and slap negative feedback if not satisfied. At every time the buyer contacts customer care such advice is given. Thought the slapping negative feedback when not satisfied is correct , when th eBay reminds this the buyer gets induced to slap negtive feedback. As all sellers know that a considerable number of buyers try to twist the sellers hand and try to get refund retaining the product. The eBay assures reverse pick up but never does that instead they offer refund and cover seller also under inseller porotection. This encourages buyers to resort to fraudulent practice to grab the product withut any monetary loss. A case of mine (PaisaPay ID 35094116941, Item No. 190984492568) can be cited here. I am the seller. The buyer ordered10 pairs of ear buds. i shipped by Bluedart under Powership. The buyer claimed only 2 pairs were received but did not complain damage of packing eBay sealed cover and filed a claim also. Since eBay never supports seller, I decided to ship again 8 pairs and assured accordingly and shipped by Speedpost. Fortunately I recorded by video the contents and packing to prove what was packed in the eBay cover destined to the buyer. I have mentioned by print that the contents and packing videographed in the address slip itself.The buyer again claimed that only 4 pairs were available and complained to eBay. I uploaded video in YOUTUBE and informed eBay and requested to reject the claim. The eBay informed buyer on this and buyer withdrew his claim and the eBay rejected the claim. But unfortunately the eBay awarded Rs200/= worth coupon in compensation of the products not recieved just in an attempt to retain the customer. Now the buyer has slapped negative feedback against me and branded me as fraudulent seller. Thus eBay has got very bad policy...It is not due to Country Manager....it is eBay policy. The customer Care personnel were trained to encourage buyers by advising them to act as autocratic emperors and vent their sadistic pleasure..The eBay refuses to remoe negative feedbacks unless the buyer agrees to do so. This also encourages buyer to resort to all sorts of malpactices. These are well known to eBay. But eBay by policy wants to retain buyers and not bothered about sellers.  Unless eBay changes its policy, the change of Country Manager will never improve the eBay customer Care.

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Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution


I completely agree on this point to you. Because of ebay's faulty policy design 4 buyer's out of 10 wants to take advantage of it. This has lead to increase in fraud buyer's and increase in no of ebay gaurantee claims this has lead to restriction of my account further.


The most irritating issue is ebay now denied all the pending claims for seller protection of last one month because my account was restricted. They denied stating that you are a suspicious seller.


This is the reward paid to me by been honest and giving full support to ebay gaurantee team. I think ebay like the suspicious and fraudulent member more than honest member. You show honestly and you pay the price for it.


Be fraudulent and get rewarded for the coupoun and other benifits irrespective you are a seller or buyer.


Today I spoke to ebay India CS manager I strongly feel a supervisor was speaking by showcasing himself as manager. Because you can come to know the different between the communication skill of a Manager a agent and supervisor.


The Manager was so rude did not even wanted to check the details of the claim. I felt so much on loosing control on my langauge but its was not use as I cannot go to that standard.


The CS quality is more worst than even a cell phone service provider. They cannot even understand simple English and the IQ is lower than a room temperature. LOL.


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Ebay staff themself giving negative and Neutral feedback and not coperation on mutal resolution

Its a history of eBay India stated to me by one of the oldest seller than country mangers will come and go like 5 years government policy but nothing will improve it will become more worst.
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