Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
A seller with 280 listings contain only 28 unique items,
A seller with 128 listings contain only 12 unique items,
A seller with 330 listings contain only 30 unique items,
A seller with 080 listings contain only 10 unique items,
Approx 800 listings but with only approx 80 unique items. and in most cases all are in same category

These are the facts in ebay.in

Mainly this type of listing done by newly registered sellers along with some Power Sellers also.

1. Irretate the buyers who are in search by category surfing
2. Unique items are vanishing in this duplicate populations.
3. Garbage in ebay

Presently ebay allowing upto 10 duplicate listing. It should be reduced upto max 3. And Seller using this trend should be suspended with immediate effect.
Finding such items/sellers is very easy but reporting to ebay is not so easy.

Moreover is there any meaning to report such cases to ebay - where ebay itself allowing do so?

I don't know the logic behind 10 duplicate listing.

What ebay says?

Achintya Ghosh
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
I am happy to note there are community conscious users like you. We appreciate the fact that you have closly monitored the site and done all the hard work. Request you to take couple of minutes more and report the issue and help us address the issue of Duplicate Listings.

We are taking note of Duplicate Listing by few sellers, and taking appropriate measures under Duplicate Listings Policy

We request you to report such violations using the Contact Us
Message 2 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
Dear Nvid

We had also written on this matter earlier and you had provided the same link. This link allows us to report the item number (upto10) only. While in multiple listings reporting user ID is more important. What action does ebay take once we report an item number through this link? Are other items from the user ID also checked?...regards
Message 3 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Yes,The most important Question is>What if a seller list a
Huge Number of Similar Items,We are not fools who can waste time notifying ebay team about this and to add more irritation we find that no action is being taken by Ebay .
Frankly friends if ebay wants to remove mutiple items it can.But the most imp. thing is IF EBAT WANTS THEN ONLY.
Till then my advice is not to wate time reporting mutiple itmes coz I had fed up doing so and I saw no action from ebay side.The Options is Yours.
And yes Ebay We seller are not fool.If you think You are smart we are smarter then you.
Message 4 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member

I agree that 10 is too large a number to be allowed.

Imagine a seller having 1,000 listings ( many sellers do have 1000+ unique listings ). According to your Duplicate Listing Policy, if he wants, he can have 1000 * 10 = 10,000 listings. What about sellers who have 4000+ Unique listings ?? The number would run to 40,000 listings.. Does this make sense ???

We feel allowing 2-3 multiple listings is ok. 10 is too much.

Moreover, reporting of item number doesnt help. When a seller resorts to multiple listings, he generally does so with most his items and not a few of his items. So a person who wants to report it to ebay, has to list every item number for proper action to be taken. Doesnt he have anything better to do ??

Instead, ebay should ask for seller id instead of item id. Once a seller id is reported, ebay should verify and if proved that he has a history of multiple listings, then proper action should be taken against him.

We feel the only proper way to avoid this menace is to start charging for listings. The charge could be worked out slab-wise ( just like our telephone department ) Higher the number of listings, lower the charges. But each listing should be charged.

If any other seller has a better solution, please share with the community.


Message 5 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
Dear friends

I think most of the serious sellers will agree with the suggestion of thirdi. Insertion fees only will solve this problem. Also it will get back serious sellers to ebay. Ebay is not going to lose any sellers but the content on ebay will be much better after this...regards
Message 6 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
Dear Nvid

You have asked us to report the duplicate listing thru “Contact Us”.

Okay -- Is there any sense of making such report? In doing so we will report against a rule which are allowed by ebay (10 duplicate listings are allowed).

Secondly as mentioned in my posting and by other members (thethirdi, shree_krishna_gems, avertek_infosys) is it possible to mention say 300 item numbers for A seller with 330 listings contain only 30 unique items. Thru Contact Us link is there any option by which we can mention seller id, probably it is ‘NO’.

So better change this rule and incorporate one option so that we can mention seller id. Then asked us to report eBay.

Regarding implementation of listing fees, I think it will be better if eBay charge for duplicate listing only instead of charging all listings. At least this will definitely stop duplicate listing.

Achintya Ghosh
Message 7 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
Yes charging for duplicate rather than all listings is a good idea.
Message 8 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

I also agree that multiple listings have to be curbed and the best way of doing is to introduct Listing Fees.

I do not understand what eBay.in is afraid of. They are introducing all sorts of ridiculous charges such as Sub-Tittle fees but are baulking from introducing something as basic as listing fees.

I, however, do not agree with the suggestion of the OP that the no. of mulitple listing allowed should be brought down to 2-3. The number of 10 has been kept after a lot of delibration and study of the whole eBay market and not just India.

You have given examples of sellers who have unlimited items to sell, viz. thousands of items but you fail to undersand the case of a seller who may have only 3-4 products to sell but needs to sell them in multiple quantity to make it a business. Dutch auctions are no answer as there is not that much traffic to even justify an auction of 2 nos. of any high value item. So perforce a seller who intends to sell multiple quantiy of only 2-5 products will have to list the item in multiple single quantity auctions.

Such a seller would not baulk from paying listing fees since he needs to list say only 30-40 auctions in total. There a number of sellers whose listings are already in thousands, at last count one seller has more than 20,000 litings live on the site.

So we say, listing fees asap. No other way to control the muddle in the site.
Message 9 of 10
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Ebay should reduce no of Duplicate Listing from 10 to max 3

Community Member
caller : hi i am xyz calling from abc ... having office just in front of your building

reciever : oh thats nice .... how may i help you

caller : well right now help yourself .... and your friends as i see some smoke in yur building and suspect a fire somewhere down breaking huge ...

reciever : thanks for taking the time and studying our building with such interest ... but i would request you to inform the same through our " contact us link "

caller : gosh !! this is an emergency and i have better things to do .......

reciever : i can understand the gravity of the problem but i can assure you that proper action will be taken soon... but request you once again to report the problem through our " contact us " link


the above matter is just a piece of imagagiatin and has to be taken in lighter vein ... but something similar happened with me which made me come up with the above piece
Message 10 of 10
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