Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

Community Member
Most of you must have seen the Ebay Ad on the TV during the recent days. I think these are the worst ad's that I have ever seen. Ebay should do something about the ad, surely they can spend money creating a good Ad and let people know that Ebay can sell anything from a pin to a aeroplane.

MY OPINION: I DON'T LIKE THE AD.. Please give your opinion. and suggestions if any. Thank You !!!
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

I also didn't understand their concept what they are trying to say people.They should clear that all purchases on eBay are fully secured by paisapay.100% Delivery Guaranteed Or Money & also about the buyer's protection.
my neighbour wanted to buy a good dual sim handsed i asked him to buy from eBay & he said its quite risky to buy online & what is the guarantee that what you will order is what you get or what is guarantee that i will receive the product or not.Once i paid the seller he has got his money nothing can be done.
I got shocked hearing that people dont think that eBay is secure.
They think in this way because they never told how secure is eBay.
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

The worst ad ever put up on National Television by a Multinational Company in the history of television.

The ads have no relevance at all to the business eBay is doing (India or worldwide), just imagine you are advised eBay for getting a dog or a boyfriend. What rubbish and using Mr. Narrottam Puri and Ms. Komal GB Singh as hosts, my god do people even remember who they are (I do, cause I am that old but my 18 yr old son asks me who are they ??)

The Advertising company has taken eBay for a big big ride or has it ??

I would love to the response of the eBay in US.
Raj Electroniks.
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????


Your friend did not say anything wrong, yes what is guarantee that he will not get an empty box. We know of so many many cases here on this forum who claim they received empty box and what has been done about it by ebay, NOTHING, the seller coolly shows the POD and gets his money.

We have been telling eBay since donkeys years to introduce its own courier service but our request has fallen on DEAF ears.
Raj Electroniks.
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

Community Member
That's true...This is what they should focus on.
On seeing that Oscar Ad for once I thought the lady was telling that What you want to buy is not available but buy a TV instead.

Why would anyone wanting to buy a TV buy a washing machine instead...What message they are trying to convey ???
Message 5 of 9
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

IMHO, watching these ads i didn't think they really hit the mark. Neither in terms of being funny or 'visible' or informative or reaching out to a wider audience. I don't think anyone in the target audience, whether already an ebayer or otherwise, is able to really discern what the ads are trying to say. I don't even think either of the 2 hosts even mention the website address (ebay-dot-in) anytime.

This might sound harsh, but i don't know who to blame really. The ad agency for coming up with such a stupid concept or the ebay execs for green-lighting it.

I have been blaring the ebay horn for quite sometime now and many have joined because of me, but these ads really backfired on me. I mentioned how easy it was to transact on ebay and the person who i was talking to asked me "is it as easy as its ads are to understand?". I didn't really have a answer.

Thumbs down. -- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
-- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
Message 6 of 9
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

Who were the two people in the ad?never heard there name.

Instead of that ad they will get better response by advertising deal of the weeks.
I found deal of the weeks quite reasonable than market & they should focus them & i am sure no. of buyers on eBay will boost like john's bike in dhoom after hitting nitrogen oxide.
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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

Community Member




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Ebay's recent TV Ads....Do you like it or not ????

wht they are doing in ads anyway?

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