Dear indconcepts,
i am totaly agree with your RBI comment.
Sending any product stating as gift is illegal .
by using " gift " word u r fooling govt , u r saving your money but nation is loosing dollars.
when we export anything to any country outside India our nation earns dollars,but when we accept payment in rupee then our nation is loosing dollars.( papyal is earning from it in form of commission)
as a developing country our country need dollars to pay dues to international forums , that's why Govt is offering many subsides to export houses so they can earn many more dollars.
when we send product stating gift is totally cheating with our nation.
FEMA is regulatory body for any export & import in India , as per FEMA rules any trade with international body is export , so when we sell to any international buyers its export .
any export should bring dollars to nation . if we received money in Indian rupee in lieu of dollars it means we are earning but our nation is loosing .
so logically its illegal to received payment in Indian rupee. without IEC codes & FIRC .
we request all international sellers please take advice of any legal experts before any export or sale.
Best regards.
Mahavir Computers Pvt ltd.
With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd