Do Not Insult People

Community Member
eBay should never invite people for their seminars/functions only to insult them. If eBay is'nt "man" enough to see(or hear) what they truly are and what really happens on their site then why pretend to be open to views and dscussions. Just by arranging a dinner does not give eBay the 'Right' to do whatever they think.
Message 1 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Community Member
230130508706 Seller ID TANOTESHWARY

I have just raised a refund claim on this item which was not delivered. To my surprise, I am to get only Rs.95.00 !!

Whereas I have been charged Rs. 230
Sale price: Rs. 145.00
Quantity: 1
Subtotal: Rs. 145.00
Shipping & Handling: Flat Rate Courier - Delivery anywhere in India: Rs. 85.00

Neither am I getting the full refund of the product, nor for the courier charges, which was never sent.

On that EBAY is charging Rs.50 too ensuring that it gets its money out of nowhere.

The seller is absconding with Rs.230 in full.

In the bargain the buyer is left with only Rs.95 !!! with no product on hand !!!

Its not ebay its become ebuntybubly for ebay and sellers alike.

I think this case should go to consumer forum.
Message 11 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Every seller must preserve a copy of the invoice for future reference.We are small people.We shall not be targetted.But who knows.All activities of IEC holders are monitored.We should do better to keep that in mind.May be not to punish us,but may be to reward us for exporting.But I really dont know.Mainntaining a record is just what is required.
Message 12 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Community Member
Hello sapana,

Kindly don't mis-represent me.

The moment Chinmay wrote .....
Dear Umangjee, I am posting this for the paypal awarness. I think You better talk to your CA, and let me continue this with whom who are new or confused. "

My reply was....
Hello Chinmay, If none of the other Seller is interested in legalities for receiving International payments than you may carry on with your workshop.
All the best.

I stopped the discussion myself but still all the important posts were deleted.

Earlier, when Chinmay said that he is sending all International shipments as GIFTS that the discussion took a different turn.
Sending Items abroad as GIFTS and receiving payments is against RBI rules and is illegal.

By removing my posts you have not only deprived the New Sellers of important information but left them high and dry with incomplete information. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 13 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Community Member
Hello mahavircomputers_in1 ,

It is obligatory to inform RBI of all exports and the money received from outside the Country.

Cheques received from PaisaPay are a mixup of domestic and International sales. There is no documentary proof with the Seller about the money brought in the Country.

RBI keeps a check and ensures that goods are exported against foreign currency received in the Country.

Vice-Versa if goods are exported without advance, RBI ensures that the Exporter brings in the agreed amount of foreign currency in a stipulated time.

Most of the Sellers are receiving payment through PaisaPay PayPal and getting the money in Indian rupees. They just don't have any documentary proof that the money is for the export of goods.

What they do is, send the goods as GIFTS and manipulates the account books by showing it as some 'other income' or by showing some 'domestic Sale'.

This is totally ILLEGAL.

It's great that you have written to RBI.
Community would be anxiously awaiting your reply. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 14 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Community Member
Hello Amitava,

You have said that ....
Mainnaining a record is just what is required.

I would give you an example ....

Suppose there is a thief who is un-aware about the law ..... that stealing is a Crime.
If caught .... the record of thefts committed would not be a helpful document.

Ignorance is NO EXCUSE.

I would suggest that if you know all the LAWS then maintain the records otherwise better is to destroy all records ..... ๐Ÿ™‚

ebay is just not helping the Community to gather the facts. A small gesture of ebay can make a lot of difference. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 15 of 25
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Do Not Insult People
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear indconcepts,

I respectfully disagree with you. If I am not mistaken more than 4 posts were exchanged between you and the workshop host before it was concluded (along with exchange of some unkind comments).

However, If you feel that your comments can add value to other community members, please feel free to post them on a new thread. The only reason for removing your posts from the earlier thread were because they were distracting the workshop.

Message 16 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Community Member
Hello Sapana,

I challenge you to post those replies on this thread and if Community says that those were unkind comments and not at all beneficial to the Community ..... I will apologise the way you say.

But please .... just don't mould things. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 17 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Dear Sapana,
I strongly agree with Umangji that all posts were beneficial to the Community.

There was no post which were distracting the workshop but all were just to guide sellers regarding the topic, If you really want to give any benefits to community then Why not allowing members to inform about some serious issue and problem( which was again related to the workshop).

Deleting post just show that eBay don't want people to know some serious issue and just only concern with its income.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems

Message 18 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Hi Umang Midha,
The government gets all the dollars when we sell through eBay India.Because they transact through ICICI with proper FIRC and all.
Our little bit of own dollars remain in PayPal.
If government wants a share of that,then it is something.
Then again some sellers withdraw from PayPal.I am not sure if that is 100% in conformity with law.My PayPal savings are accidental.Some buyers will only pay by PayPal.So I got to list for them in dot com.
I dont know legal formalities.My brother is in Reserve Bank.He says Dada,you go ahead.So I just go ahead.
I understand,there is no end to learning.But I dont want to learn any more.Its so boring,the books.Better to watch TV.
Message 19 of 25
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Do Not Insult People

Dear indconcepts,

i am totaly agree with your RBI comment.

Sending any product stating as gift is illegal .

by using " gift " word u r fooling govt , u r saving your money but nation is loosing dollars.

when we export anything to any country outside India our nation earns dollars,but when we accept payment in rupee then our nation is loosing dollars.( papyal is earning from it in form of commission)

as a developing country our country need dollars to pay dues to international forums , that's why Govt is offering many subsides to export houses so they can earn many more dollars.

when we send product stating gift is totally cheating with our nation.

FEMA is regulatory body for any export & import in India , as per FEMA rules any trade with international body is export , so when we sell to any international buyers its export .

any export should bring dollars to nation . if we received money in Indian rupee in lieu of dollars it means we are earning but our nation is loosing .

so logically its illegal to received payment in Indian rupee. without IEC codes & FIRC .

we request all international sellers please take advice of any legal experts before any export or sale.

Best regards.

Mahavir Computers Pvt ltd.


With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 20 of 25
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