Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Members,

As eBay continues to grow, it is important that we continue to evolve the Feedback system to ensure it remains a credible measure of trust. For almost two years, eBay has been working on a new project to enhance our current reputation system. Feedback 2.0 adds a new dimension to eBay’s premier online reputation system, allowing buyers to rate transactions based on item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping & handling charges.

Feedback 2.0 adds the following new features:

Detailed Seller Ratings – Currently buyers are able to rate the sellers positive, negative or neutral and leave comments on the same. With the launch of Feedback 2.0, buyers will be able to rate the sellers on specific transaction aspects like item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping & handling charges. These ratings will be based on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the being the highest rating. The average of all ratings will be displayed on the seller’s Feedback Profile page.

To see how the new ratings will be displayed on the Feedback Profile page, please Click Here. (To view the page in right size click on the orange rectangle button that appears at right bottom)

Item Title and Price – To give buyers more information while they are evaluating the reputation of a seller, the transaction’s item title and selling price will display beneath each Feedback comment on the Feedback Profile page for a period of 90 days.

Feedback 2.0 helps buyers feel even more confident about a seller’s reputation, while rewarding good sellers by recognizing and spotlighting the things you do to ensure customer satisfaction.

Pilot launching shortly

Last November, for one week, buyers were presented with the ability to leave detailed seller ratings and the results were very promising. Over 80% of all buyers leaving Feedback for sellers left Detailed Seller Ratings during this data collection period. This high rate of usage is important since it eliminates any negative impact to a seller’s score based on the occasional low rating they may receive for actions outside of their control. (Such as a lost package, or an item damaged in transit.) Detailed Seller Ratings will be representative of a seller’s overall behaviour as our buyer community views it.

In late February, we will pilot Feedback 2.0 on India, as well as these seven additional markets: Australia, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. We will continue to monitor the usage of Feedback 2.0 carefully to ensure there is no disruption to the marketplace. If all goes well, we plan to launch globally in Summer.

To understand Feedback 2.0, please view the Frequently Asked Question.

For any questions on Feedback 2.0, please feel free to post your question on this thread.

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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member
The current feedback system is complicated for the ordinary buyers. I doubt how the new system will perform. I feel it will just complicate. A ordinary buyer is not aware of giving feedback, this syetem will make him more confused.

A suggestion:
Can one more parameter be added as:
Seller Provided Genuine Tax Invoice
Message 11 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member
Hi Sapana
Im waiting for this for a long time. Finally it is coming.
Simply marvellous. Beyond my expectation.

No question at this moment as all are being already answered.

Just one question What about the buyer feedback page?
Is that will be same as current? OR may I expect some extra information like 'No of UPI Strike'?

Achintya Ghosh
Message 12 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi assemblerz,

To your point "The current feedback system is complicated for the ordinary buyers. I doubt how the new system will perform."

This is exactly the concern the team designing Feedback 2.0 also went through. The biggest concern was to keep it simple while increasing transparency in the system.

After the design stage was completed, the team continuously evaluated the results by doing various buyer surveys and usability studies. As part of the study, in month of October, for few days buyers were exposed to the new feedback system in all pilot countries including India. We were encouraged to see that almost 80% of buyers who had left feedback, also gave detailed seller rating. Nevertheless, we will be keeping a close eye on the adoption of detailed seller ratings by the buyers and determine the future course of action.

On your suggestion "Can one more parameter be added as:
Seller Provided Genuine Tax Invoice" - In the new system we have tried to keep the system simple, while giving out the information that is most critical for a buyer's buying decision. However, I will pass on this feedback to the team for future reference.

Do post more questions / concerns, if any.

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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi skyshopindia,

I am glad that you liked the changes. Once they are rolled out, I hope they will start benefiting genuine sellers by differentiating them.

On your question "What about the buyer feedback page? Is that will be same as current? OR may I expect some extra information like 'No of UPI Strike'?"

As far as additional information on the buyer is concerned, there will be no change in buyer feedback page. There will be only some design changes in the buyer feedback page. Currently there are no plans to reveal the information on number of UPI strikes on the buyer feedback page. These are for two reasons. Information on Dispute console (UPI / INR / SNAD etc) is personal user information and therefore cannot be displayed publicly. Besides, as a seller, you can block all buyers with one or more UPI strikes. Thus the need for this information is also reduced.

I hope this gives clarification to your questions. Please do not hesitate to post more questions if any.

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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Feedback 2.0 is launching

Feedback 2.0, announced in , is launching in eight eBay markets worldwide. Starting this week, buyers in Australia, Belgium, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom will be able to rate sellers on the four Detailed Seller Ratings we announced as part of Feedback 2.0.

As a participating country, you will notice three significant changes:
1. Buyers can now rate sellers on Item Description, Communication, Shipping time and Shipping & Handling Charges after first leaving an overall positive, neutral or negative Feedback.
2. The Feedback Profile page has changed and now includes a summary area for the Detailed Seller Ratings.
3. The item title and item price for each Feedback will be visible on the Feedback Profile page below the Feedback comment for 90 days after the comment was left.

Buyers may rate sellers on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the being the highest rating. The average of all ratings is displayed on the Feedback Profile page. This additional information will enable our best sellers to differentiate themselves from other sellers and enable buyers to make more informed decisions prior to purchasing.

These changes ensure that the Feedback system continues to be a credible measure of trust in an ever growing and changing community marketplace. To comment on any of the proposed changes, please post your views here and always remember to read the Announcement Board for any future updates to the Feedback system.

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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member

The Feedback 2.0 is excellent but I doubt how many
Indian buyers ( mainly the new buyers) will use that. Most of them do not care to leave the simple feedback and some can't leave one even after explaining everything. Anyway, the system is praiseworthy but the pure buyers should also get some benefits from leaving feedback otherwise we shall continue to have such low feedback turnouts, especially from new members in India. ?:| .
Best Regards 😄

Best Regards 😄

Message 16 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member

Awaiting for this weekend and hopefully we succeed in giving best for our eBay buyers. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 17 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Congratulations! Feedback 2.0 is up and running. Thanks to Feedback Development Team for providing transparency in the feedback rating.
Message 18 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member
eBay is FAST... Its up. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 19 of 20
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Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0 – Increasing Transparency in Feedback System

Community Member
hi! i sincerely hope that the recent changes in the feedback and listing fee system will be a milestone in ensuring better e-business. i am a coin dealer and would like ebay to conduct workshops on professional packaging and shipping of products. many a times the coins are lost in shipping. coins being unique cant be replaced.
why dont ebay have a tie up with some professional national and international couriers. it will be great for the ebay, the buyers and sellers and facilitate much more business and revenue to ebay. i want to sell internationally but due to these basic problems i refrain from going to international business.
Message 20 of 20
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