The Ebay team does not care a thing for the hapless buyers. I got defrauded by a fradulent seller Mr. Satish. Item : Most Stylist Watch On The Baazee
Item ID: 27910213
Order ID: 2427640
The seller took the money more than 7 months back and never cared to deliver the material. I wrote more than 25 reminders to ebay (ealier Baazee) but they did not take any action whatsoever. The ebay team even stopped responding to my mails. The things are much better with other portals like Rediff Shopping & Indiatimes Shopping. I would advise to exercise restraint while dealing with ebay.
Will the Ebay Team do something? Its my 25th reminder to Ebay. What action is the ebay team taking ? The matter is hanging for the past 7 months. All my mails to ebay have been of no result.
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 Dispute Resolution wrote :
>Dear Satish,
Dear Satish,
This is with reference to the following transaction:
Item : Most Stylist Watch On The Baazee
Item ID: 27910213
Order ID: 2427640
Buyer ID: nayyarkamal
We tried several times to establish contact with you but your phone was out of reach and you have not replied to any of our mail.
This is with reference to the buyer mail that even though you have received the payment long back,but still you have not delivered the product to the buyer.
We request you to kindly dispatch the product to the buyer immediately and provide us the dispatch details.
Awaiting your response in next 24 hours failing to which we will black list your account.
Warm Regards
Shadab Shaikh
Baazee Community Protection
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-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, June 13, 2005 10:02 AM
To: Dispute Resolution (
Subject: Re: RE:Re: RE:Problem id:21268333
The seller cares not to respond. Even the team at Baazzee has written off several times to the seller but he chooses to ignore (you can refer to your mails to the seller in this regard). I just want to understand as to how does Baazzee respond to the situations where the seller takes money and does not send in the things.
I am really surprised as to what steps does Baazzee take to protect a buyer who gets duped by a seller. You will agree that the touchbase between seller and buyer and if seller defrauds then it is the responsibility of Baazee as a site to put the seller to task. If the mechanism does not exist, then how can your site invite people to get defruaded by sellers.
I am really disppointed by your reply on this and would have appreciated some stern action from Baazee against the seller.
I have all the communication which I made to the seller and Baazee amd I am going in for the legal recourse now against the seller and Baazee.
Kamal Nayyar