Dear eBay Members,
I am really very surprised with the announcement that the limit for duplicate listings is going to increase from 5 to 10.
We seller were expecting to get the duplicate listings reduce to maximum extent but now it will going to increase.( eBay only aims at Money-Money and Money)
I remember in past we have to search many pages to see different items as one seller use to flood the page with same item heavily.
This policy of eBay is to make money and the buyer experience can go to HELL.
The genuine buyer will surely move to other sites as this will create a most irritating and disgusting experience for him.
Other Sellers who do not create duplicate listing more then 5 will also will badly effected as his/her item will not appear in the initial page fast and thus will result into reduction in sale.
But SAPANA JI can you please explain this ....?? How it will improve buyer experiance...
Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems