Buy one get one free promotional gift not received

Community Member
I have bought Laptop of 25th Sep by applying the coupoun BUYONELP02
Paisa pay Id for this transaction is : 32221440612

I suppose to receive a Micromax p250 Tablet as a gift which i didnt receive yet.

I made so many calls to customercare after all the promise still havent received my free gift item.

Remeber *** Promotion states free gift will reach us in 15-45 Days after sales ****

I am planning to go to consumer court soon.
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Buy one get one free promotional gift not received

Community Member
I have bought Motorola MB886 on 15th Oct by applying the coupoun HDFCFREEG3
Paisa pay Id for this transaction is : 32311723655

I suppose to receive a Nikkon L25 digital camera as a gift which i didnt receive yet.

I made so many calls as well as to email reminders to customercare after all the promises still havent received my free gift item.

Remeber *** Promotion states free gift will reach us in 15-45 Days after sales ****

I am planning to go to consumer court soon.
Message 2 of 5
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Buy one get one free promotional gift not received

Community Member
Same Here. I am supposed to get a Micromax p250 after 45 days for this purchase :

PaisaPay ID:-32232581356
Gift Name:-BUYONELP02

it was bought on Sep 27th. But I am stranded not knowing which way to go now. Ebay phone executives give false promises knowing that what they are saying is not true. Cheats ...
Message 3 of 5
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Buy one get one free promotional gift not received

Community Member
We should lodge a compliant with consumer court.
Message 4 of 5
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Buy one get one free promotional gift not received

Community Member
Hi All,

I bought Samsung s2 on august 25th 2012 with mobile pe mobile offer. Even after 3 months haven't received the gift(Samsung c3322) .So let me know when i am going to receive the same. Customer care people are so rude. They don't know how to speak with customers. Whenever i call them they will say you will receive within this week.Like that already 1 month over. Even sometime they will give courier details to track which wont work in courier websites.And also they said they have escalated to promotion team with service request number 1-5538319112. But when i called last time and asked them to give update on service request they said its not created and i will escalate again with new service request number and promotion team will call you back. So many people from customer care told you will get a call from us but i didnt even received a single call from you people. Which is very bad.

I dont know what is happening in When you people cant give gifts why you promote fake offers.

This is my last try and i hope someone will help me by using below details. Or else i will go to consumer court as my father is a senior advocate.

paisapay id:- 31999495807
gift id:- Samsung c3322
ebay user id:- avinashkimi69
email id:-
promotion name:-mobile pe mobile offer
Service request no:- 1-5538319112

Avinash M L
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