I paid for iphone 4s 16 GB on 26th Aug.12 but I recd it on 12th Sept.12(well after the timeline.)So called Brand new iphone 4s that I recd.from electronix bazar Indore thro'ebay did not work from day 1.I had to update it to ios6 then it worked but only for 3days.Then I had to reupdate it & since then it is STILL NOT working.I had sent it back to electronix bazar Indore.But he said there is liquid damage & he can not send the replacement.I got it examined here in Nagpur & now there r 3 major issues :1.IMEI no. on the box & on the Sim tray of iphone r different.2.He said there is liquid damage but there r stickers at both end of iphone whcich turns red if there is liquid damage.They r still white.There is no e/o liquid damage.3.There is a component failure.(Power IC is damaged)it seems like a REFURBISHED iphone.4.electronix bazar opened the iphone to repair it (inspite of the fact that it was still under warranty).They could not repair it & sent it back to me.He asked me to pay Rs.3500/- for the repair.I have paid Rs.38000/- up front & now he refuses to send me a replacement.