Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
I joined eBAY today. I surprise to read one of the current post is under discussion. Readers, please draw your conclusion on the comments, posted by @c153niyam in post link below:

Partcularly, comment no 7, 8 & 13 of @c153niyam. Posting here as those posted in above post:

Comment no: 7
hey pimpom or whtever ur name is MR PADMASHREE or whoever u r - one that i care for anyway!!!!!!!!! Talk wth respect....ok! if u were indeed whtever u claim u are i doubt u would be broadcasting it this way! Stupid fellow...ur distinctions or accolades dont impress me...welcome to the real world...theres lotsa ppl here who will blatantly outshine uin all ur rankings, money , power etc. DO U UNDERSTAND?? so sut the f..k up!!!!! Im sorry ppl. i JUST HATE ARROGANCE!! srry if i offended anyone.

Comment no: 8
stupid Rascal

Comment no: 13
SHUTT UP! Pimp or popcorn whtever ur name is!!

With due respect @c153niyam reply appropriately not substandard, Please maintain values of this forum or keep yorself away from this forum. RATAN.TRADE
Message 1 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY

Community Member !! u r back??? did u go for banwaas with Lrd Rama? welcome welcome !
Your criticism has been duly noted. Thank u for showing me the way - I'm just a blind man who is astray from the true path, afterall. I have much to learn from u, Sir. thanks again
Message 2 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY

Message 3 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
Readers, once again read the first line of comment no 1 posted by @c153niyam. is hereunder:

did u go for banwaas with Lrd Rama?

What??? why??? How??? above line is relevant to this thread????? RATAN.TRADE
Message 4 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY

Community Member
welcome back
Message 5 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi All,

Off late I have noticed that the conversations very soon turn into personal attacks agasint others. The tolerance for different point of views have gone down significantly over last some time.

I think it is time, when we start paying more attention to the expectation on respectful and courteous posting on the boards. I did not want to intervene earlier, for I believe the group consists of mature individuals who will moderate themselves. However, it looks like all of us need a refresher course on the right way of treating each other. When we start any debate, the key to get a fruitful result is the ability to accommodate various view points. Everybody who participates in a discussion will have some opinion about an issue, and no body will have an opinion without it having some merit to it. We need to recognize and respect that.

I totally understand the passion that you feel while debating or discussing an issue. Many a times there might be attached frustrations as well. However, venting them out on another member will not help you in any manner; nor will it help the other person, the group or the group environment.

We need to ensure that our discussion platform has an open and honest environment. Debate can be conducted without insult or attack. Frustration can be expressed without personalization. Interpersonal issues need to be worked out privately between the people involved, not on the boards. Feuds have no place on eBay or on community boards.

If you develop any personal issue with another member during a discussion, which is not impossible, you need to sort it out personally. Mail each other or call up.

I hope, going forward we will help in building trust with each other and make sure that personal issues do not get between our professional debates.

Message 6 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
Hello Madam Sapana,

Thanks to you and members of eBay Trust and Safety Team as well, for appropriate and instant action against my complaints.

I appreciate that eBay Trust and Safety Team consider my complaints appropriaate and removed all four comments directed at personal level with vulgar and profane langauge in feedback forum in two current thread under discussion:

Indeed. this action of eBAY's will help all to keep this forum inline to meaningful and fruitful discussion.

Thanks once again for justification.

Message 7 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
Hello Madam Sapana,

And one more thing. I endrose your statement and also agree with you that now your intervention was mandatory.

Thanks & Regards RATAN.TRADE
Message 8 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
Message 9 of 17
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Begam Ali of eBAY
Community Member
feedbacks normally removed by JURY members in eBAY court.

Atleast, no of -VE feedback were removed, should displayed in respective member account. RATAN.TRADE
Message 10 of 17
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