You are right dear. The last nail in the baazee coffin has gone deeper then the grave. New set of rules are nothing but eye wash in the guise of reforms to meet international standards... do you belive this crap.
what is the point of reducing fees when seller is burdend with paisapay charges 4%-2% depending on the payment method selected by buyer. Back to square one.The fitting quote is " Ek haath se de - Do haath se le "[/u] specially when margins are wafer thin.
One paisa is gone for good...?
Listing charges have gone up (Reserve auction)
Worst is still to come if multiple items are listed the lowest bid will be applicable to all. So themselves are making mockery of Bidding. Please explain what is the defination of Bidding.
As a first step baazee reduced re-listing from 5 to 2 and now its wiped off from the face of Baazee.
E-bay assumes all sellers are broadband owners and manual listing is cake walk... thinking deep it seems they are hard pushing BULK UPLOAD or else get out.
In a way ball is set rolling to some extent to weed out small unorganised sellers, sought of ethnic clensing of sellers seems to be the process. During the meets Apna Pappaji ( Samarjeet Singh ) shouts on top of his voice " To be a seller you do not necessarily need a computer & net connection just walk into cyber cafe and baazee is at your finger tip's HA HA HA HA .. ( NOw read like this ..) Just walk into a cyber cafe spend rest of your life relisting and make cyber cafe your home, naturally Lastly if you spend most of the time relisting where on earth will you find time to do rest of the leg & hand work which actually starts after claose of bids.
As a matter of fact only Big fishes will stay around who are organised.... its doom time for small time...God bless sellers. My good friend super seller CanamKhanna is already aplied for TATA PHONE DEALERSHIP after receiving the DEATH SENTENCE OOOOPS eBAY ANNOUNCEMENT... ha aha aha ah aha More wickets are destined to fall in coming days. BIG BROTHER HAS ARRIVED In laymans language AMERICANS HAVE LANDED ...... for sure:_|:OX-(
Seller A:Kya SADDAM is made President of BAAZEE...?
Seller B: Reform se toh aisa he lagta hai. Kya kane ka
socha thaa Baaze pe kuch dhanda karne ka.
Seller A: Apun accha nahi kiya Apun ka WadaPAv ke dhanda ich accha thaa fokat mein Baazeegar Baazeegar banne ku aaya.. Ebay ne Phatichar banaya.
Seller B: Abhi Bhai log kuch kare ga to accha hai nahi to Uppar wale ko bhi rokda karega yeh log.