Hi, It has been now and then I have been going through these type of problems being posted by buyers who have become victims to the fraud sellers. I really empathize with you for your bitter exp. and at the same time I can suggest you the way out to atleast recover your amount from the seller/Baazee. Just try writing hard copies of the complaint and send them through Regd. AD post to the following at the below mentioned addresses:
1. SUPDT. of Police,
Cyber Crime Investigation cell,
Central Bureau of Investigation,
5th Floor, Block no-3,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003
2. Disputes@Baazee.com,
202, B-Wing, 2nd Floor,
Phoenix House, Phoenix Compound Mills,
462, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel,
3. seller's Address
My Dear, Just Try it, It works, Wishing you all the best.