ebay treats All members equally irrespective of wheather One is a BUYER or a SELLER.
All rules are same for BOTH and no member is treated as a
The issue in question is .....making the feedback
PRIVATE and hiding it from other users.
Why does ebay allow this?
I my self think that this is formulated for the benefit of SELLERS.When some SELLER gets negative remarks they tend to make feedback PRIVATE and hides it from BUYERS. This is because 5-6 Bad remarks on top of the feedback Page dis-courages the Buyers to Buy from that Seller. Seller tries to gains TIME till he gets some GOOD remarks on the Top of the feedback page and BAD remarks are pushed down. By default 25 feedback remarks are aviable on a page. The tendency of the Seller is to push the BAD remarks to over 26th position so that they are not visible on the first page. After this the Seller reverts back to the normal view to make his feedback PUBLIC.
But some BUYERS take advantage of this tool and MISUSE it.
Since, ebay is a MACHINE and depends solely on the available DATA of violations (I would call it violation by Buyers).....nothing concreate could be done to consult 33 other countries to up-grade this tool.
runalaila_in1 has taken an initiative & ebay is expected to RESPOND.
I agree that both the buyer & Seller should be able to view PRIVATE feedback.....
Once they commit to transact.
PRIVATE feedback creates doubts in the mind of the seller.
Buyer has nothing to loose after he pays money but Seller's
Money, Time & Reputation is at STAKE till the time Product is received by the Buyer & positive feedback is received by the Seller.
best regards
Umang Midha