parsal return to seller as he told but prouct shows delivered on site

i purchased an item from you
through ebay on date 13/08/2013
having details
item-DOMO slate X3G dual sim
Ieem id- ***
Paisapay id-***
Contct no.-***
shipping detail
aramax on 17/08/2013
AWB no.- ***
User Id on ebay-***
i telephoned u on 15 ug to cancell
the order,he said that today office
is closed and ask me the detiled of
i called again on 16 aug ,he said ur
order cancelled
after that i received a mail on 17
aug that ur product is shipped .
again i called and says my
problem,he said that u don't receie
the parsal return it back.
when courior person called me to
deliver the parsal i told to return
the parsal.
After that i receive a mail on 28
aug that ur product is successfully
delivered.,but i m not receive it.
i several times call u to resove the
issue on 30 aug and today also
but i m not getting resolution to
again confirmation taken from
local courior deliver point
regarding returnment of parsal, he
said that he returned the parsal.
I made mails and phone calls. but no reply

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parsal return to seller as he told but prouct shows delivered on site

Dear Prabhashsahu,


We truely regret for the inconvenience caused to you.After reviewing the details of this case,we found that you have already filed a claim under our buyer protection programme as "ITEM NOT RECEIVED" claim id:271326.Be informed that according to eBay guarantee it takes maximum of 20 Days to resolve a case however claim adjuster will keep you updating regarding the latest updates.


kindly allow us some time to investigate for the same.we appreciate your patience.

Message 2 of 3
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parsal return to seller as he told but prouct shows delivered on site

till now i m not getting parsal or reply frm seller
claim dept called me once and said we r investgating,
today i got call but i m in college so not able to receive,but claim dept close the complain by not receving the call.
i made a sue on that
ebay u r not giving buyer protection
Message 3 of 3
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