Donot worry even if you think the product is not as described or anyhting faulty with the same, donot confirm the item receipt and start not as described claim claim, and ebay guarantee claim, the paisapy payment is very safe it safeguards you against all the non -delivery, then the faulty product and others,
As when you make the payment , the payment doesnot automatically get remitted to the seller, the paisapy holds the same, and until you confirm the item recepit the ebay paisapay acts as an escrow mechanism and doesnot give the money to the seller, once you are satisfied and confirm the item recepit the money is remitted to the sellers, in case the seller doesnot ship within the committed period or provides a fake awb, mail or for the same, also call ebay help line for how to proceed with item not as described or ebay guarantee program.
If you have paid with paisapay you can sleep with no tension of your money falling in false hands.
Donot worry ebay is a safe market place, but make sure you follow its rules and regulations.