Seller: mobileaccessories
Product: i9+++
Advertized as:
The Phone Has Got Valid IMEI No.
Usage of this Phone is Officially Allowed According
to the Dot Govt. Rules.
100% Refund Guarantee if IMEI found INVALID.
The phone actually has got INVALID IMEI.
When Contacted the seller for Replacement.
Seller: Wait till the GSM operators database is updated.
given by eBay is gone)>
Buyer: What is the solution now, you have to Refund now.
Seller: Refund cannot be given. Phone cannot be exchanged.
Seller: We can give IMEI number for 400 Rs/-
Buyer: But as per Dot Govt. Rules any number issued after NOV 30 is invalid. See
Seller: It is VALID
Buyer: Can you show proof that it is VALID when the official website says it is NOT and also it says that such numbers will be disconnected soon.
Buyer: Can you give it writing that the numbers are VALID ??
[SELLER RUNS away and STOPS responding at this point]
Dear Buyers,
Please do not buy from this seller. He has duped several buyers
and is not refunding as promised in his listing.
Dear eBay,
Please ban such seller from eBay. Moreover this seller is a "Power Seller" and calls
himself a 'Honest Seller'.
But this is a fraudster and dishonest seller who has duped several buyers on eBay.
Dear eBay authorities for a moment keep aside you "45Day Protection" and realize that such sellers
are duping customers on your online portal. It is a black mark for eBay and you should support
the buyers.
I kindly request you to
1. Ask the seller to refund the money as advertised.
2. If the seller doesn't comply, BAN this seller on eBay.