I just bought a book on ebay and used my credit card to pay through
paisapay. However when i was sending the payment through it took several
attempts before it processed successfully. Then I checked my credit card
and paisapay has deducted the amount...
I paid for the item No.7625429615 but the item not received and i have
claim for reimbursement vide ebay purchase protection claim No.957274.
the claim has been established by ebay and the seller agreed to refund
full amount but after the laps of mor...
Hello , i am new buyer in ebay,watch some advertisements various places
and came into ebay,this website seems to be very intersting with
varietly of sellers and product and great prices ! ...and auction ..i
love to shop over here,but im into some iss...
Hi, I want to buy a E-book worth 49$. I am in India & have no any kind
of facility to buy this E-book in $. So I want any e-BAY seller who can
first buy this for me and then after sell to me in Indian Rs. If any
body rady tell me the price in Rs. of ...
I am planning to buy an iPhone(Worth around $500 incl.shipping) from an
international seller on eBay. Do I have to pay the Customs duty on
arrival, If I chose to ship using Fedex. I can read in the board's
discussions that USPS involves customs dutie...
Dear Community Member, The Community hub page is one of the important
places where you can get in touch with the eBay team and fellow eBayers
and we are excited to communicate some changes to the hub page. We shall
be redesigning the new page to ensu...
Hello Guys, I live in the UK and have a business here. I deal in all
kinds in Indian and stuff from the far east. I have just started trading
and ebay UK and it has been great. I have spoken to a lot of my shop
customer in the uk about buying stuff f...
hello sir i will glad if you solve my problem .i have an ebay as well as
an paypal account i want to how do i make my payment on ebay. i don't
have any credit card and debit card but i do have an online bank a/c.
hello sir i will glad if you solve my problem .i have an ebay as well as
an paypal account i want to how do i make my payment on ebay. i don't
have any credit card and debit card but i do have an online bank a/c.
I have been looking at some items on ebay that are well over the 10 000
usd mark, and the seller offers the option to pay with paypal. My
question is when i try to send money to people via paypal it tells me
that the individual limit is 10 000 usd so...
WOW! I feel so stink! A few days ago I bought a MP3 player, 20GB memory
beautiful product, but then I discovered the same thing/product in a
local shop for $40 less. Maybe I'm being stupid, but has this ever
happened to anyone else?
respected sir, i have bought a pc speaker from delhi bazar but i can not
recieve that this time from delhi bazar. i e-mail him to send me my
speaker set by corier i will pay at home delevery. but he not send me
why??????? how can i recieve it. i am a...