Hello Arun (arunkumarkr1977),
Welcome to our community boards and thank you for choosing our platform to buy online.
From your post we understand that you have had an unpleasant experience and I regret the unpleasant experience you had. I wish to reiterate the fact that eBay strives to takes all the necessary steps possible to protect its buyers from unpleasant experiences.
I'd encourage you to kindly ship the product back to the seller as communicated by him and seek a replacement for the same. The seller holds a good past record of trading on eBay and for some reason is currently suspended.
However, If you still feel your issues are unresolved you can escalate your issues to our team and they will be happy to address the same. You can simply contact us to know more on the next steps or simply post a message on our community boards for seeking any further help regarding our comprehensive
Buyer Protection Program and you will be guided by our community champions or even me.
Hope the above message provided you some relief.
Keep posting!!