How shall i program automatic bids for a particular item? to be placed in last 5 mins of auction ?
I am not asking about 'Increase max bid' option.
For eg., see the scenario,
Let x***y denote myself. a***b denote other bidder.
Using the increase max bid option, if I am increasing my max bis amount, other users can see the bid history as follows :
(Number of bids 4)
x***y Rs.50
x***y Rs.50
x***y Rs.50
a***b Rs.25
Here the number of pre-planed bids by bidder x***y is visible to other bidders.
Now any other user can guess the slab and can place winning bid in the last minute.
I have seen many users bid using automatic bids as follows:
a***b Rs.25 (bid history shows only 1 bid)
But at the instant I places a bid, it is overridden by an automatic bid.
Now the bid history is as follows :
a***b Rs.75 (shown in grey)
x***y Rs.50
a***b Rs.25
bid history is as follows :Here the number of pre-planed bids by bidder a***b is hidden from other bidders.Others have no idea how many bids are pre-planed by bidder a***b.
I would like to know how to place such automatic bids?
Can anybody help me?