GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member

Many users need GPRS / WAP settings for their China mobile purchased on ebay or other sources, so I thought I would start a thread here.

To use GPRS / WAP on your china mobile you need just two setting from your service provider:

1) Access Point Name (APN) and

2) I.P. address.

How to manually set up :-

I will use settings for Aircel wap - you can change it with any service provider.

***First Step***

1) Main Menu --> Select Services (This may be named variously as net, etc.)
2) Select Data Account - Select GPRS
3) Select the First Entry
4) Edit the account name to whatever you would like
5) Edit the APN to: aircelwap (your service provider settings)
6) Username - leave blank
7) Password - leave blank
8) Edit Auth Type - Normal (if needed)
9) Save

Select Back --> Select Back

***Second Step***

Select WAP
1) Select Settings --> Edit Profile
2) Select the first entry --> Edit Profile
3) Edit the name to whatever you would like
4) Edit Homepage to : (your service provider setting)
5) Edit Data Account to the Name you established in the First Setp.
6) Edit Connection type to HTTP
7) Change IP Address is (your service provider address) and the port number is 8080
8) Edit Username to - Blank
9) Edit Password t0 - Blank

Select back or done
Select Activate Account

The above settings are for Aircel Pocket Internet. You just need two seeting APN, IP address and homepage to use it for your service provider.

I will give setting for Airtel here:

IP address -
Homepage -

Request other members to provide settings for other service providers. I will keep updating with other service provider settings.

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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
Thanks sraj1984 installed opera mini.Now how to set it in landscape mode?
Message 81 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
thank you it worked for n97 china phone
Message 82 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
What is engineering code for i9+++?
Message 83 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
please could u provide the GPRS settings for vodafone too.I recently purchased M003 china mob dual sim looks like i9++++
Or sciphone .please tell me can i upload Java on this mobile if yes then can i add/update the applications and how can i find the software since my phone remains undetectable even on connecting to the computer and only memory card is seen as icon.
Message 84 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Anyone know where can i get PUK2 code of/for my Rocker I9+++ ?
Message 85 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

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Message 86 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
Hi, Paresh.
I recently bought a I9+++ Sciphone from Ebay. I have a airtel connection and i want to activate GPRS. I set all the settings which u posted. But not even connected.
When i m going to connect with my laptop id does not shon anything like Mass storage, com etc even memory card also not shown in laptop. my laptop is windows 7 ultimate version.
plz kindly help me to give any solution. why this phone not connect in laptop through DATA cable and how i can use this phone to acess the internet.
Message 87 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Hi pareshwins,

Thanks for providing very useful input.

Message 88 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
can anybody give me the driver software for connecting the laptop using I9+++ phone. My laptop is windows 7 ultimate version. When I am going to connect my I9+++ phone to laptop, Laptop does not shown anything. may be required driver for windows 7 compatiable.
Plz give me the link/Driver software...
Message 89 of 104
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GPRS / WAP settings for China Mobile Incl. i9+++

Community Member
Hi Pareshwins,thank you very much for your suggestions for GPRS Settings for China mobile.I tried myself.HURRAY!! My china mobile i68+ successfully configured with my AIRTEL
Message 90 of 104
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