Hey! After googling through NET I have found settings to enable China mobile GPRS connection to be connected to Laptop/Desktop. I Have China mobile M011 I-phone and the setting works for me.
PC/ Laptop Internet Connection through China Mobile
Pls do the following to connect the intenet on your PC/Laptop through your china mobile.
First of all make the necessory settings for internet in your phone. (means go to WAP settings and select the SIM and profile and Data Account through which you want to connet the internet. Your service provider will also give you). Now do the following
1. Down load the drivers for your cell phone. (MT 6225 "mine was MT6235" is available on http://groups.google.co.in/group/bvmdiplomates2000 so download it from there).
2. Connect the usb cable to your PC/Laptop and then connect it to your pnone.
3. During the connection to the phone it will ask for one of three options(COM, web cam, usb mass storage). select 'COM'.
4. Now in the PC the massage will desplayed for installing the driver so double click on that msg and the window will open for installing the driver. so select the path for your driver (select 2k_xp_com for MT6225) and click next. The fdriver will be installed.
5. If you cant do above then there is a other option for installing the driver is go to the properties of My Computer. Then go to the Hardware and then Device Manager. In device manager you will find Ports(COM & LTP). Open it. in that you will find question mark with yellow colour.(if not find then on top click on the serch option symbole) Right click on that yellow question mark and then install the driver same as mentioned in No.4.
6. If the driver will be installed properly then the yellow questione mark will removed automatically and the massage will be displayed on lower right side of your PC that 'your new hardware is installed properly and........'
7. After this chek the COM port number(ie COM 1, COM 2, COM10, etc.) for your phone (TECNO USB) through the Device Manager in your PC.
8. Now in your PC go to 'Control pannel' - 'Phone and modem'. It will ask for your area code. Pls enter your area STD code. Then go to "Modems" - tick on "dont detect my modem; i will select it from list" - select "standerd 19200 bps Modem" with COM port number of your cell and click finish. It will desplayed in modem list. select it and go to properties of your modem and go to Diagnostics and click on query Modem so some msg will be displayed in 'Commands' and 'Responce'. means modem is installed properly. Now click on advance and write in the 'Extra initializing command' as per your network service provider. For Artel Mobile Office write down : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","airtelgprs.com","",0,0
For idea
*********************// for aircel //****************
put the APN "aircelweb" instead of "airtelgprs.com" and uncheck the proxy.
9. Now Go to Properties of your Internet - then 'connectins'and click on 'Add'- then click on 'Dial up to Private Network' and click next - then input phone No *99# [ for aircel & idea change dialup no. to *99***1# ]
for all and click next - then type dial up connection name whatever you like and then click next. the window will displayed. click on properties of Dial up settings and after that in general select your Modem in 'connect using' and click on 'ok'. Now your connection name will be displayed in the list of connections. set it as default and clik ok and close the window.
10 Now click on 'start menu' then 'Connect To' and then click on your dial up connection name and finally click on 'Dial'. The connection will be established in few seconds and the massage will be displayed '115.2kbps ........'
11. Now enjoy the internet in you PC/Laptop.