I have been cheated in the process of buying Item - 4GB "1.8"LCD LONGSCREEN MP3 MP4 MOVIE PLAYER FM GAME USB (180312516747)".
The item sent to me in non-working condition & was promtly shipped back to seller. A case of "Significantly Not as Described Item" was lodged in Ebay to seek refund. Inspite of regular assurances by seller, no refund or help from Ebay was received.
On 21st Jan 09, claim under "Standard Purchase Protection Program" for refund was lodged with Ebay. Ebay was to respond within 7 days of submission of this cliam, i.e. 28th Jan 09, however there is no response so far.
I urge Ebay to respond & show that it genuinely cares for the interests of the buyers & would not encourage online frauds.