User Activity

It will be great if ebay can give a Power Buyer status just like that of Power Seller.
On 21/02/12 i bought 5 set of (Citizen CH 432 Digital Blood Pressure Monitors CH432) from the seller enter_games. Today he ship the item through india post (speedpost)Shipping details provided by this seller is given below. Courier name: India Post (...
5% discount up to a maximum of Rs. 500 when you pay through PaisaPay Valid only for icici and hdfc bank account holder. Its free and it really helps. Coupon Code: ICICI42023 5% discount up to a maximum of Rs. 500 when you pay through PaisaPa...
Hi i was just wondering why some of my friends are getting a Discount coupon of Rs 150/- off on minimum purchase of Rs 200/-. I am getting other promo offer discounts but not this one.Why?
For the past few weeks members with zero feedback keep bidding on my listings and after winning they never pays.Now i am left with no other options but to blocked this members and to pay the listing fees out of my pocked.But the problem is that the n...