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Members with zero feedback bidding and never pays...Help!

Community Member
For the past few weeks members with zero feedback keep bidding on my listings and after winning they never pays.Now i am left with no other options but to blocked this members and to pay the listing fees out of my pocked.But the problem is that the new members keep coming and bidding.What am i suppose to do?
Please help me,advice from the seniors here will be highly appreciated.
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Members with zero feedback bidding and never pays...Help!

I have been having the same problem.
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Members with zero feedback bidding and never pays...Help!

I have also requested to allow optional blocking of Zero feedback and new users in "Buyer requirement" options.

Currently, only users with negative feedback can be blocked. However, since does not allow sellers to give negative feedback to buyers, the "buyer requirement" option is valueless.

It is also child's play for existing users to get around blocked IDs by simply creating a new ID.

Buyers also simply ignore statements in the listing that new users are not allowed, and then leave negative feedback if their order is cancelled.

I understand that wants to encourage new users, however, creating an option in buyer requirements to block 0 feedback and new users will go a long way to make ebay a smoother trading platform.

Someone from eBay, please consider.
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