@linusstudios Thanks for telling me about the 5 listings per product
thing. I did not know abt it will delete all of them. I am a major
trader in electronics off line and i knw that cheap imitations that do
not work are available on ebay but they don...
Although i haven't been an active person on this site i have been a
member here since this site was baazee.com. I recently started selling a
new product which i believe is very saleable but even after having spent
a lot on promoting it a lot i havent...
Although i haven't been an active person on this site i have been a
member here since this site was baazee.com. I recently started selling a
new product which i believe is very saleable but even after having spent
a lot on promoting it a lot i havent...
Dear Mr. Rajan For quite a while i have been thinking that eBay should
have its own courier service or maybe a tie up with one. This would
enable us to transact on this website with more confidence. But if you
do go in for a tie up make sure the serv...