I'm glad to inform u that the seller finally gave me a feedback. I
didn't even need to send the 3rd reminder. But my point still holds that
there shud be a way to ensure that the other party (buyer or seller)
leaves a feedback soon enough. If not lef...
I have the same complaint. I have bought a product from an experienced
seller to whom I gave my very positive feedback the same day I received
the product. But its been two weeks since the purchase was made and I
still haven't received a feedback fro...
hi thegenuinecollections, i finally received the shipment exactly 1
month after it was shipped from Los Angeles but just forgot to update
about it in this thread. I was charged an additional custom duty of
Rs630 but the seller was kind enough to refu...
hi thegenuinecollections, thanx for replying. i asked the seller about
the status "Acceptance" and she called up the customer care of USPS.
They told her that its been confirmed dispatched the very same day
i.e.3rd november, and its not stuck. since ...
Hi thegenuinecollections, Thanx for replying to my post. The item was
shipped on 3rd November 2009 from Baton Rouge, Los Angeles and costs
around INR 22000. If you consider sat and sun as holidays along with one
day for the cyclone Phyan, 20th Novemb...