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I am writing to you today with a pressing concern that has recently arisen in our export operations, particularly those carried out under the CSBV (Claim for Self-Billed Verification) mode. Since 2018, we have been successfully exporting numerous shi...
I am writing to inquire about the necessity of E-BRC (Electronic Bank Realization Certificate) or BRC (Bank Realization Certificate) for our export shipments under the CSB-V (Commercial Sales - With Value) mode. As you know, we export goods to variou...
Dear sellersI would like to bring to your attention an important issue that concerns all Indian sellers exporting goods through FedEx. This pertains to the mention of the MEIS (Merchandise Exports from India Scheme) on export invoices as "NO," ( see ...
I am writing to share a concerning experience that many sellers, including myself, are facing on eBay. It has come to my attention that eBay deducts FedEx invoices from sellers' payouts, leading to significant difficulties in closing export invoices ...