User Activity

Hi,You say that sale price is collected by However, user agreement of Payoneer states that they collect sale price from buyers for and on behalf of sellers. They charge for currency conversion and their fee. There is no objection regarding d...
Hi,On page "" , under head "Who Should Register for GST?, inter-alia, following persons have been included, namely:-(i) Person who supplies via e-commerce aggregator(ii) Every e-commerce aggregator...
Section 22, and section 24, read with section 23, of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (An Act made by Parliament of India for the Union of India, hereinafter referred to as the CGST Act) provide that which persons shall be liable for obta...
On page "" , under head "Who Should Register for GST?, inter-alia, following persons have been included, namely:-(i) Person who supplies via e-commerce aggregator(ii) Every e-commerce aggregatorSo ...
About mandatory requirement of GSTIN for creating sellers account.Section 52 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (CGST Act) requires such electronic commerce operator through whom goods or services are supplied, and the electronic commerc...
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