Hi Friends. I had made an withdrawal form Pay Pal on Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at
7:55 PM. The funds have come to my bank account on Aug 5th. I have made
one more withdrawal today, hope this comes in with out any problem. Alex
HI. I don't know how, I have got an Pay Pal account for over 6 years
now, first it was an US account & later converted to INR & since then I
have received all cheque or transfers in INR ONLY. Alex
Hello sainathphila. I would Like to Inform you that the cheque comes in
INR not US$, you can deposit it to any of your account, just as any
ordinary cheque. Also as Pay Pal did lat time, they have promised to
refund the fee US$ 5 that they charge. YE...
HI Friends We all are here to do business, Even eBay, if there is any
problem not only we (Seller's) are effected but even there revenue is
effected. Every person / business has problems, so we have to be patient
& look for a solution or alternative....