Scammers like you boost about company name, firm name. What numbers?
What name? If you are honest. You will post your details. Every time you
escape like fraud instead of addressing the issue. Your phone number is
fraud number No business address No ...
I dare you to post your company name/firm name. your owner name. Are you
afraid to provide your details in this forum why not? Only a sincere
honest trust worthy person will do that. You don’t have proprietor all
that nonsense. Company name You are n...
This reply is to skygiftworldwide who the hell are you to decide whether
to make feedback public or private sure you need some mental help for
your problem. You don’t seem to get it. Go join the fraud seller list.
Fraud seller like you. Beg people to remove feedback I checked your
feedback. There are more than 5 feedback withdrawn that shows your true
colors. You are fraud If you are not fraud Give me your accurate details
So now you accepted you are fraud. You said it 48 emails. Harassing
emails. That is more than enough from your side. I dare you to post your
valid name Business number Business address