Hi ishtyaq, You can change your personal details, follow these steps..
MyeBay>>My Account>>Personal information>User ID and Password
Information>>Edit Regards Abhishek Seller Marketing Team
Hi raaths, To close the item follow the below given steps: My eBay>>All
Selling>>Selling>>Action button on extreme right-hand side of the item
title>>Click on end item. For more information you can visit this link.
Hi bizmagnet, The Best way to find quick help for turbolister is to
click on help on turbolister toolbar and select Contact customer
Support. This ensures that your log files are received by the concerned
department, and they can resolve your issue a...
Hello, To Revise your listing, Go to you My eBay>>All Selling>>Click on
“Selling”>>there are action buttons against all your listings, you can
select “Revise your item” and change the required details as mentioned
above. However, you can revise your ...