User Activity

I purchased a cell phone - SonyEricsson K700i+Warrany+Very good condition on 30/6/05.(6409272018).from seller 'cashncarry'.Before payment I received an email from seller for paying outside ebay ie directly to his ICICI Bank a/c.This made a dout abot ...
I have collected blue coral & black coral beads also black coral skeleton piece is in my possession.It is my hobby to collect corals.A white piece is also with me. Can any friend reply me - whether these are treated as gem stone? If so what is the us...
Item number(s): 4981601440 4981753194 4981753500 Message: Above items I purchased from jewelsmart_in1.For each item I have paid Rs 149.00 as shiping & handling charges.Items I received in a single cardbaoadr box through the courrier.Payment made by j...