Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)
eBay Employee
eBay Employee

Please join Sharat Digumarti, Sr. Manager – Trust and Safety, in a discussion on how to keep eBay safe. Sharat will be discussing with you the initiatives taken by TnS to keep the site safe and future plans. If you have any questions on any trust or safety related topics, feel free to post them on this thread. Sharat will answer them during the Open House

Host: Sharat Digumarti, Sr. Manager – Trust and Safety
Date: Thursday, 16th March 2005
Time: 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm (IST)

Hope to see you there!

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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Dear Sir ,
I Have A Small Question
If A Seller Is Offering 100% Moneyback Guarantee
On What Ground Can A Buyer Raise A SNAD Dispute Against The Seller ?
Isn't It A Contradictory Concept Used By Many Buyers To Bully Serious Sellers ?

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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
IF you give proof of the fact that you have refunded the money to ebay its fine.

Also mail the buyer informing about the moneyback gurantee available.
Incase he replies and says he isnt sending the product back or isnt interested in taking a refund you can show that mail to ebay when required to avoid that dispute.

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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
I am from paksitan Islamabad Pls tell me if i buy some thing from Ebay wahts the method of payment how can i pay for that item and waht is the surity to recive the item in paksitan
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
I had put up my camera for sale on ebay. There was one buyer, unfortunately he was a spoof. He was blocked by ebay, but the problem is he had accepted my sale offer. Now I did not report him as unpaid, since he was already blocked by ebay. Now I get a invoice to pay for item that I had not sold actually and I did not report (45 days have passed) since he was already blocked. Now ebay still insists that I pay Rs 670 as selling fees... I do not know for what?
Please suggest.
There seems to be a issue in the policy/system and the seller gets the hit.
Note: This is the first time I am selling on ebay and after this incident I am not willing to any further in future
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member

I have purchased one item from Ebay Item No. # 9102232790 and paid on 03.03.2006. but i didn't got the item till date. Now it seems that the seller is not a registered user on eaby, what i do , my money lost i have paid Rs.12800/-. I am totally frustrated and moving for filing a case agaist ebay, please do the needful to get back the money or item from the seller.

sajith (id : siva245 )
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Dear Sir,
Is it possible to give some transparency to your suspension and banning procedure?I kinda feel insecure.I dont sell at any other site or I dont have my own website.I am just happy showing pple all over the globe my collection and doing little bit of business. Dont have any ambition.I just want to keep going on peacefully.Truly,,
Message 16 of 81
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Dear Sharat

eBay is about to celebrate its 1st anniversary. There are so many changes in both eBay end and its members end. We, the sellers are asked to change our strategy, change our product look, so many changes in site usage policy has been made in these 11-month time.

But I didn’t find any notable change in CS:-(.

The content and look of Auto reply mail for community watch reporting is same, as I had received in Aug-05. 

The content and look of Response email from CS representative is same, as I had received in Jul-05.

There are very few members who are satisfied with CS. It’s not like that they don’t do their job. They do everything as per their level best, but their job end with member’s dissatisfaction. I personally feel so. Also a lot of posting indicates that.

I appreciate eBay for their Buyer Protection Program:-D. But there are very few members who are happy with this program (see lot of posting in this thread). I know this part is very program is helpful to the buyer. All the genuine purchase is protected by eBay. Then why buyers are unhappy?

I am giving one example:
One of my buyer id: kanchan2 was cheated Rs. 11000 by a mobile seller. He asked my help. I told him to go thru INR process. He receives his full money back from eBay but with dissatisfaction. His remarks were “If you (its me) are not there I didn’t get my money back”. But I know, I did nothing. All the credit should go to eBay. That is the case.

A lot of new violations/Frauds are happening day to day in To stop those happenings we, the members are ready to do work with TnS.
?:|1. We didn’t find any easy way to report that
?:|2. We didn’t find any satisfied result after reporting. Our effort goes to hell, when we didn’t find any action.

In the latest announcement we saw that eBay won’t allow MLs above 5. eBay itself will detect and prevent MLs above 5 from same seller even with different ID. But I have seen still there are MLs more than 5. One of these I have already reported on 14-03-06 (KMM27847765V82981L0KM).

That means this is only an announcement like “Announcement of Political Leader”, no result will be there.

It’s an on-line business portal where buyer, seller or mediator (eBay) can’t see each other. Only predefined rules by means of software program are controlling the transactions.
Yes its true that, there are very less chance of a seller being cheated by a buyer. Because seller always deliver product after receiving payment from buyer. Whatever fraud a seller being faced is from Credit Card payment. But that is also protected by PaisaPay dept.

Al last I think – The first priority should be given to the Buyers. They should be given a trusty, healthy and clean environment; they should be given an easy process for buying, they should be given a user-friendly Customer Service. Only then they will buy with satisfaction, they will leave praise for both seller and eBay. Finally seller will be happy, will get butter as well as eBay will get the same.

Achintya Ghosh
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Dear Sharat

I need some clarification regarding Listing Violation and other:

1. Suppose I have created 2 ids; one ABC other is XYZ with Shop Subscription. If I include XYZ Shop Link in listing from ABC id – is it a violation?
2. If I list AB Slimmer belt with title like – Vibrating Belt and in description if I mention like, Electric Vibrating Belt only – is it a violation?
3. If I listing Hearing Aids with title like – Mini Sound Amplifier and in description if I mention like, upto 500% of sound amplification can be done with this device.
4. If I list a Security Camera with title like – Camera to watch everything live on TV/Computer. And in description if I don’t mention the term Security, Audio Recording etc – is it a violation?
5. If I list same product in Auction format and in Fixed Buy format with different shipping charge – is it a violation?
6. If I list all my products in Re 1 Auction and include product price in shipping charge – is it a violation?
7. If my office colleague use my PC to buy product from eBay and got suspended due to Max. no of UPI strike, will my a/c be suspended?
8. If any member (fraud) intentionally buy from me and leave –ve feedback immediately without making payment. For UPI dispute if he responds like abcdxyz, is there any provision to remove that illegal –ve feedback?

It will be beneficial for me if you answer all for some specific purpose.

Achintya Ghosh
Message 18 of 81
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Dear Sharat Digumarti,

I have one more question for you.

You may not like to have this kind of question in the Open House session.

But I feel that you must have the first hand information of what Buyers & Sellers have to face.

The question is....

Do you think your Staff at T&S is qualified enough to handle the queries / problems received from the members?

Your answer would probably be YES.

But I would rather say NO.

That's my experience.

I have reported that a particular member is misusing his 2 ID's for doing Multiple Listings.

After interacting with your staff for many days and providing required proofs, I was able to convince them and received a reply on 27th Feb....

I have reviewed the information that you have provided and found that there is enough evidence to link these 2 accounts.

No Action was taken and after reporting again after few days I got a reply on 13th March...

Please note that I have reviewed both accounts and do not have enough evidence to determine that the same person is using both accounts, therefore we cannot take action in accordance with our Multi-Listing Policy.

This is the state of T&S department.

How can you confirm the same thing & then deny after few days.

Once proved that the two accounts are interlinked ..... it must be recorded in your system. Why does one need to prove or clarify again & again.

This is horrible.

I am sorry to say but T&S may be termed as Tough & Silly department rather than Trust & Safety department.

Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7


best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 19 of 81
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Open House on Trust and Safety with Sharat Digumarti - 16 Mar (4-5 PM)

Community Member

Sorry to say that I am not least happy with many Trust and Safety features of eBay India.

Here people like Shakawat Hossain and others continue to cheat in lacs and eBay do not lodge a single complain to the police regarding that. eBay is asking others to lodge complain. This is strange - the cheats are operating thru you so you should also take the initiative as you are having all the personal details. Protecting ones personal information is good but protecting the information of a cheater is morally a guilt and an offense similar to the cheating.

Its never enough just to cancel the fake IDs. This is not a business done in the West where the Police Dept. itself is pro-active and take swift pre-emptive actions taking note of those cheating. For Indian operations eBay has to take initiatives to book the culprits cheating thru their site, otherwise most of the people like me will not consider your safety policies to be trustworthy.

Sorry if I sound rude. I know that you have to function within eBay policies but then someone has to take initiatives to change the policies so that it suits better in the Indian context.

The least you can do to gain some trust is to provide a link on the My eBay or Community Page to let the defrauded members to complain directly to the cyber crime depts. However, eBay must verify the complains before forwarding those to the respective depts. This measure is suggested just to prevent any misuse of the crime reporting link.

Hope to see more safe and trustworthy business in eBay in the near future.
. Best Regards 😄
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards 😄

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