Simple selling tips....
1. First find out what are things selling in e-bay. Find out a very new product from market where you can get it for wholesale price, and that is not available in e-bay.
2. Dont buy too many thing from shop, get few though you have less margin and less risk if you don't sell.
3. Make a very good picture creatively, how user want to see your item. For example if it is "Bra", you have to make pictures from front, back and side views. Basically people check these things in trial rooms.
4. List down, for your economy listdown with out any e-bay fees first for 1 months. List 3 days ending lists. In proper category.
5. You have wait for 1 1/2 months period to conclude wheather you can sell or not. Today if you list down with 0 feedback score, you cannot expect it will be sold. You have to wait patiently.
6. Choose things which does not talk, walk or break in the shipping. Choose things which are easy to ship by courier. So, you will not receive -ve feedback in the begining if you packed wrongly by mistake. If breakable things, make a box packing and send by courier and put RED "Handle with Care" sticker on it.
7. Once item sold, leave feedback quickly. Also ship the items as soon as possible. Reply to the customer saying items shiped from this courier, courier number #, etc details.
8. If the customer received quickly and he is happy, your golden days started. Mention in the listing what is your handling time and shipping duratin. So that user knows when he will get it. Other wise you will get a "Good morning" message from customer daily.
9. Make sure the item you sell is good value and resonable price for the customer. Then only you get more feedback. When more feedback, you will sell more sale, and your profit increases. You have to see average profit for your investment and time spent on e-bay. For example if you invest 5000, at the end of month calculate how much sold and how much profit for investment you made. So you justify your work is worth for the investment. I recomend to wait for 3 months to get an idea weather you are going in a right way or wrong in selling.