Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Community Member
This is kind of vote against the new Feedback system.
Seller's who disagree on new FB system ...
Lets Join hands together & start counting

Count # 1 : grabdeals_in1
Message 1 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Almost all sellers will be against it.

But lets vote and see the number growing 🙂

Count # 2 :Shree_Krishna_Gems

Message 2 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Community Member
I am totally opposed to this unfair system of feedback. For someone who has under 50 feedbacks, even one or two negatives drop your rating by 10-15%. This is very unfair to a seller. For those with hundreds of positives and a few negatives it doesn't matter much. I see even power sellers are not happy with this new and horrible system. Even neutral feedback is considered as negative. eBay only protects buyers not letting us give fake buyers negative feedback and it treats sellers worse than roadside dogs. But when it comes to fees eBay is always ready to collect from sellers. When it comes to our genuine complaints, eBay just tries to pacify us with words, nothing else.

Count #3 goadigital
Message 3 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Count # 3 :mahavircomputers_in1
With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd


With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 4 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy


Count # 4 : mahavircomputers_in1
With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd


With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 5 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Community Member
Count #5 : esmartbazaar

This feedback policy is disgrace to all sellers , i know nobody will listen here , but just want to see the count growing ...

Keep posting .

Message 6 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Community Member
Count #6 .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 7 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy

Dear Ebayers,

This Ebay FeedBack Policy change must be a concerted effort by a Group of Staff who want Ebay to ruin gradually and silently. There must be a scandal in it.
Otherwise no sensible person can take up such unnatural changes.

May GOD Give enough intelligence to understand.

Ashok Agarwal,
Ebay ID : Sitare_Jewels
Message 8 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy
Community Member
Hello All,

We understand that the feedback changes have impacted your feedback percentages. But the changes have also rewarded sellers for their hard work through repeat feedback credit for repeat transactions from repeat buyers. Also, the community itself had recommended that negatives/neutrals from suspended buyers should not be taken into account as they have not complied with policies themselves and have no right to leave negatives/neutrals for others. This has been implemented and many sellers are now relieved to get some of them removed from their history. This has increased the number of positives for many sellers and I'm sure some of the sellers voting on this thread have seen the increase themselves.

The change of removing the Mutual Feedback Withdrawal was purely for the reason of removing any tool that can be used for extortion by the buyers to our sellers. This happens in the scenario where buyers leave a neutral or a negative feedback first and then demands the sellers to provide extra benefits to get them withdrawn. Now buyers will not do so as they know that they cannot harass the sellers through this tool. Moreover, we have taken control of the feedback and would monitor such feedbacks which are unjust and malicious rather than outsourcing to a third party.

Community is a great force and we, at eBay, are proud to have such a vocal and passionate bunch of community members and would appreciate if they continue to have debates and discussion which will benefit to all sellers such as 'Ways to ensure that the buyer does not leave a negative and neutral in the first place'.

Having said that we are taking into account all the considerations and issues being continuously highlighted by the members on this forum and will soon update the community on the way we would pprotect our sellers taking the 'India' perspective into consideration.

Hope i was able to guide the discussion and debates on various threads regarding the feedback changes into a positive direction.

Keep Posting!!!

Message 9 of 76
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Vote ! Disagreement towards new Feedback Policy


Actually I am in favor of the new policy. But with this policy in place the PS and the SNP norms have to be adjusted to the new conditions.

I beleive the new PS norm should be 95% and the SNP norm should be 10% dissatisfaction.

Since only the half the policy has been announced and implemented, I too am against it.

Count No.8

Message 10 of 76
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