Dear amitagarwal02
In an instance where a buyer places an order but does not complete the transaction, you can file an Unpaid Item dispute against the buyer and get a transaction fee credit.
These steps will help you file an Unpaid Item Dispute:
- Log onto your "My eBay"
- Click on the Action Link below sold items.
- Click on Report an unpaid item
- Enter the item number for which you are reporting the unpaid item and click Continue
- Specify "Why are you reporting this unpaid item dispute" from the dropdown provided
- Mention the current status of the dispute from the dropdown
- Click on "Send an the unpaid item reminder" tab
You can close the dispute after 7 days of filing it. Ensure to close the dispute within 60 days to get a Final Value Fee Credit.
Click Here for more details on Unpaid Items.
I hope this helps for all your future selling activity.